
king--> Jesus

Jesus --> Perfect


disfigured --> ugly


garbage --> old 5 inch floppy disks (Apple)

old 5 inch floppy disks--> old 8 inch floppy disks

old 8 inch floppy disks --> scary

(so old it's scary; aren't we all glad those aren't the 'latest technology' in portable media)

scary --> Ugly

nose--> face

face --> A-Team

A-Team -> My ass

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Terrible thought

nose - itchy

itchy --> poison ivy

(can everybody at least try to post something like this: 'last word' --> 'first word that comes to mind' )

posion ivy - Virginia

Virginia --> Virginia Creeper

Virginia Creeper - a vine that looks similar to poison ivy

Virginia Creeper --> Peeper

virginia creeper--> keepers :lol:

keepers - custodian

peeper --> submarine periscope
custodian --> mop

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mop - chop

chop - circumcise

circumcise - ouch

ouch - fingers in my computer case ;)

fingers in my computer case --> pinched

pinched --> neighbor (was pinched when his finger got stuck in my tractor engine while fixing it)

neighbor --> computer-illiterate (my next-door neighbor needed to call me over to ask how to put a CD in his computer)

computer-illiterate --> my whole family (other than me)

my whole family (other than me) > lazy asses


(400th POST)

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donkey - george w bush

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