george w bush --> small tree full of bugs

small tree full of bugs --> Ladybird banquet

Ladybird banquet-->greenfly goulash :cheesy:

greenfly goulash --> soup


tomato --> berry



password --> moron

(I thought: OMG he just implied his password to be crackers. Then I thought: Shurely not, he wouldn't do that)

moron --> idiot

(is that why you put 'moron'?)


pie-->march, 14th (3.14 BTW)

March 14th --> Einstein's Birthday

Einstein's Birthday-->party

party --> party animal

party animal --> not me

not me --> beautiful ! :)

sweet --> chocolate

chocolate --> Germany

germany --> world war

world war --> bombs !!

bombs --> away

fly-->on the wings of love

on the wings of love --> westlife

westlife-->no thanks

No thanks > Pass the butter, please...
Not sure where I got that from, but it was the first thing that came to mind, so I posted it :D

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