Ok, there's so many of 'em but what web browser do you use? Please feel free to post your thoughts about the browser you use and vote in the poll. At the moment I use Internet Explorer (gasp!) 7 (phew!). I'd have to say it's an average browser. Really bad with the scroll wheel on my mouse. When I scrool down or up one nothc it keeps going, and it gets really annoying. I also hate about 2 in every 20 pages I visit, the formatting is stuffed (yes I know it in RC1, but I don't care should be fixed by now). I've been using it since Beta 2 and have had absolutly no improvement in page fromatting. I'm thinking about moving to Firefox when version 2 is out.

I'm an IE 6 user. However, I have FireFox installed but mainly use it just to test out DaniWeb and make sure it's 100% cross-browser compatible.

I use Firefox, 1.x.x.x, since in the second Beta some extensions didn't work.

I use FF since it is IMO the most customizable browser I have seen (haven't checked out to much though). In combination with some usefull extensions is it by far the best solution for me.

Im a FF 1.x user myself. I even use the portable version for college instead of using IE there. I just like the tabbed interface, and yes yes.. i know.. the new IE will have/does have tabs, but im just used to firefox now :)

i prefer ie 7 for tabbed browsing, much easier when your veiwing alot of pages, it looks much cleaner than 6 as well, but i also use firefox.

The truth is, it depends upon which machine I am using at the time. My main browser client at the moment is FF2(RC1) because I have been putting it through its paces so I can write a news/opinion piece about it for PC Pro magazine. My secondary browser client is FF1.5.07 as that's on the desktop machine I use for much of my research browsing and also on the sub-notebook I tote around with me. Next on my list would be either IE7(RC1) or Opera 9 as they are both on another machine I use when not in my main office. And finally, Opera Mobile as that's my client of choice when using my Windows powered MDA Vario II smartphone.

I guess I might not be your average user though :)

I use epiphany primarily. It is gecko based so acts a lot like firefox from that point of view, but has a smaller memory footprint and is better integrated with the Gnome desktop.

I'm the only IE6 user here, eh? I'm not a fan of tabbed browsing because I prefer just to keep windows side by side. I can do that with my crazy high res monitors.

I'm using Firefox 2.0 RC1... some of my favorite features of 2.0 is that it features a seperate close buttons for each tab, that it now has a built-in RSS reader (as well as the Live Bookmarks, which aren't new). The interface is also a lot cleaner, and what I find is that there's nothing missing. I hardly use the extensions, and I don't have any themes.

it features a seperate close buttons for each tab, that it now has a built-in RSS reader

The RSS feeds are cool. But I would really like the close button to be at the previous place. That way, when I have to close a lot of tabs at the same time. I can just click the same place, and the tabs will be closed. This way, I have to move the mouse a lot. I am lazy. The standard shortcut to close a MDI tab is to use Ctrl+F4. That doesnt seem to work either. The new drop down list to change the active tab (where the previous close button was)seems to be a good idea.

I use a lot of extensions (A japanese-english dictionary, a weather forecaster ...). All those doesnot work, but I think it will be okay once you get the final release. After all no developer targets a beta.

I use FireFix 1.0.7 (hmm, should prolly upgrade) and IE6 for stuff that "requires" it.

By the way, If you want to try Firefox 2 RC1 without having to install it, get the portable version from http://portableapps.com/ but don't use it on a USB flash drive.

Maxthon. ^_^

Tabbed, IE6-based (compatibility), customizable, pretty damn secure, too.

I'm the only IE6 user here, eh? I'm not a fan of tabbed browsing because I prefer just to keep windows side by side. I can do that with my crazy high res monitors.

looks like it :lol: the only problem i've found with tabbed browsing so far; is that if you get an error, like the macromedia flash errors i've been getting, it wants to close all the tabs, not just the one with the error, whereas with ie6 it would only close one i believe. but ie7 does have some neat options for rss feeds, these may well be somewhere in ie6 but i cant say i've seen them.

darren :cool:

I use IE6 at work and IE7 at home. Years ago I used Netscape, but the make a new version that I really hated and stopped using it.

I use IE6 at work and IE7 at home. Years ago I used Netscape, but the make a new version that I really hated and stopped using it.

i find ie7 so much easier to use than ie6, especially the tabbed browsing, by using ctrl + the number of the tab, you can easily flick to the one you want.

darren :cool:

i find ie7 so much easier to use than ie6, especially the tabbed browsing, by using ctrl + the number of the tab, you can easily flick to the one you want.

darren :cool:

Doesn't it annoy you that the file menu isn't where all file menus should be?

i use firefox 1 becuase i like the tabbed interface and i also like the wya it looks and the hunders of extensions you can downloaded fixefox is the best web browser in my eyes.

IE5 16-bit edition on windows 3.11 oh-yeah!

and mosaic

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