I am a diehard Smallville fan ... I never miss an episode. Having to work all afternoon and evening, I ran home to set up my tv tuner to record tonight's Smallville episode. (Season 6, Ep 2) However, for whatever reason, it didn't work. :(

Did anyone by any chance record the episode with their tv tuner and could send it to me? Could anyone tell me what happened in the episode?? Fill me in! What did I miss?



As he always seems to do, blud (our resident server tech) came through for me and was able to get me my episode :) Thanky!!

If u like i can see what i can do about getting the episode for you however im not sure how you want to go about getting the file from me to you. As im in australia we have very tempremental internet connections so a P2P might be the best way to go about it but whatever is easiest for you is fine with me

or....not as you managed to find another copy while i was typing

Just wait 2 days and then look on Youtube, youtube has most TV serie's (in parts, but they have them)

I am a diehard Smallville fan ... I never miss an episode. Having to work all afternoon and evening, I ran home to set up my tv tuner to record tonight's Smallville episode. (Season 6, Ep 2) However, for whatever reason, it didn't work. :(

Did anyone by any chance record the episode with their tv tuner and could send it to me? Could anyone tell me what happened in the episode?? Fill me in! What did I miss?



Where did you find tonights episode? My DVR didnt record it for some reason and I need to see it as I have never in all these years missed one episode.

Look at the date of her post -- "tonight's episode" was aired about 4 years ago :)

The original post from Dani even mentioned the specific episode (Season 6, Ep 2) so there really is no excuse for getting confused, even if you didn't spot the four year old datestamp.

Unless, of course, you really did miss season 6 ep 2 and are fretting over it all these years on :)

i cant believe we're in the final season of smallville :'-(

Shush you!!

PS. What is Smallville? I've never heard of it ;)

It's a series about Superman when he was a teenager. The problem with such a series is that the actors eventually grow older and no longer believable for someone that age, so either recast the part as in Dr. Who or cancel the series.

Oh, what little ye know about my favorite TV series :) They all graduated high school quite a number of seasons ago. Then they were in college about three seasons ago. Now they are all junior reporters at the Daily Planet.

Smallville is a TV series here in the State that tells the stories, struggles and adventures of Clark Kent in his pre-Superman days, as he grew up in Smallville then moved to Metropolis to become a reporter and eventually Superman. This is the tenth and final season :(

My wry British sense of humour can often confuse people :)

you're British?!? :P

Only by birth.

We were in the final season last season....

Anyway, when should Smallville end, when Welling is 50? We need a Superman long before then! He's already 33!

when are they going to bring a new wonder woman? haha, remember those glory days of early television?[youtube]19kq_fGwwxk[/youtube]

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