There are a lot of reported posts on the main site entrance (see pic)

iamthwee commented: test +23

Lots of bugs are to be expected right now. Nearly all of the code has changed :) Salem, your bug is low priority right now because you're seeing notices about reported posts that you reported yourself (hence you're the thread starter). :)

commented: test -4
commented: N.A +13

Something perhaps a little more urgent:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /home/daniweb/httpdocs/forums/usercp.php(923) : eval()'d code on line 6

is displayed at the top of

commented: test +23

Should be fixed.

You're not seeing this?

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONTINUE in /home/daniweb/httpdocs/forums/usercp.php(923) : eval()'d code on line 5

Nope, I'm not.

I did see it when I first logged in, but trying after around half an hour made it go away.

commented: test +23
commented: Yes! +13

Don't know if it's a bug or not, but I'm allowed to edit tags on threads. I don't even know what it does, but it looks like something only mods are allowed to do :)

commented: test -4
commented: N.A +13
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Another small display error on the quick reply. Doesn't show gray boarder properly on right hand side.

Windows xp firefox 3.5.2

commented: Test. -4
commented: Test. -6
commented: Trying to fix :) +0
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Another small bug.

In the main reply to thread box when you click on the colour box (red/green) the colours display somewhere on the left-handside rather than immediately under.

Also when you click the showprintable version under thread tools it comes up with a php parse error.

profanity filter test
shit, fuck cunt son of a bitch mother fucker f u ck

shit fuck cunt son of a bitch mother fucker

[search]lalala[/search] blah

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Can't find code snippets, or code code snippets listed under my name.

The stats in Control Panel seems to have a few problems.
>>Forum Threads Started: 3,668
I have not started that many threads! :icon_eek: According to the link "search all threads started by ...", I only started 190 threads.

> >>Forum Threads Started: 3,668
That's how many posts you've reported (more or less).

Display bug (Firefox) - When looking at my inbox, the folder controls panel overlaps/sits on top of the favorite forums list and the latest posts/features lists overlap the inbox contents index.

You need to disable rep power in the Community Center forums.

>Don't know if it's a bug or not, but I'm allowed to edit tags on threads.
I don't think it's a bug. Those tags are supposed to be used to facilitate searching, so users can submit different tags that represent the thread. It could create moderating headaches, however :/

>>This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view.

I get this message when I click on someone's avatar.

Whenever I try to view anyone's profile I get: (see attachment)

I can see profiles, but everyone has the same amount of reputation-points as me, so that might be a bug in your select-query :)

Whenever I try to view anyone's profile I get: (see attachment)

Huh. Now I can see profiles again.

I was looking around my profile and I clicked on "All threads started by sknake" and this thread came up:

I didn't start that thread -- someone posted a question in the shell scripting or nix software forum and I flagged the post and it was moved. Now somehow the original post is gone and I own the thread. [URL="
.html"]forestwwq[/URL] started the thread as far as i can remember.

I think this was the original post that I replied to but somehow they became un-merged?


I think that was my fault. Something went haywire when I was moving around posts. It should be fixed now.

Found another one:

The 'my favorite forums' part on the right side of the screen shows a yellow folder when there are unread threads in the forum and gray when they're all read.
But when I'm reading the last unread thread in a forum, the folder stays yellow, indicating that there are more unread threads in the forum. When I hit refresh, the folder becomes gray as it should be.
This is not a big deal, but the 'old' DW didn't have this bug.

Another bug I think. Before update was regularly getting email notification of posts to subscribed threads. Since update, nada. I kind of a pain when trying to assist someone and not getting the update sent as response is given.

Yeah i was the same as kaninelupus until 2 hours ago when i got a flood of emails coming through.. :)

P.S. Woot! 700 posts!

commented: Congrats on your 700 post milestone :) +36

I posted C# code in the VB.NET (it was a mistake, i meant to answer w/ VB.NET) forum with:

[code=csharp] ...code went here...


But when viewing my post it shows "VB.NET Syntax (Toggle Plain Text)". It looks like its overriding the language i specified in the tag with the forums default?

Don't know if it's a bug or not, but I'm allowed to edit tags on threads. I don't even know what it does, but it looks like something only mods are allowed to do :)

Anyone can add tags to any thread. You shouldn't be able to delete existing tags though.

Small bug but the boarders between posts don't show.

Windows xp firefox 3.5.2

This is the new design of the Business Exchange.

Another small bug.

In the main reply to thread box when you click on the colour box (red/green) the colours display somewhere on the left-handside rather than immediately under.

Also when you click the showprintable version under thread tools it comes up with a php parse error.

Fixed and fixed.

You need to disable rep power in the Community Center forums.

I was under the impression that rep wasn't being affected if it was handed out here. Is there a bug in the new way it works?

Whenever I try to view anyone's profile I get: (see attachment)

Yes, I was working on member profiles at the time. :) Site was going up and down most of the weekend.

Another bug I think. Before update was regularly getting email notification of posts to subscribed threads. Since update, nada. I kind of a pain when trying to assist someone and not getting the update sent as response is given.

Thank you for notifying me that email subscriptions weren't working. I fixed them, and hence the flow of emails all rushing in at once.

I posted C# code in the VB.NET (it was a mistake, i meant to answer w/ VB.NET) forum with:

...code went here...

But when viewing my post it shows "VB.NET Syntax (Toggle Plain Text)". It looks like its overriding the language i specified in the tag with the forums default?

If you specify an invalid language, it defaults to using the one from the current forum. csharp is now invalid in favor of C#. For c++, you can do C++ or cpp.

commented: RepTest123 +23
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