This may just be an impression, but I think DANIWEB is working faster, at least on my system!:)

Damned, I also had that impression, but it could just be that I (wrongly) assume that newer is always better/faster :P
But in this case I really have to admit that I've the feeling that it's working a lot faster.

Same here. Maybe I will be able to use my iPhone on DW now :)

As faster as daniweb may seem the daniweb pages source code looks a lot cleaner around the headers.

Deffo speedier here. Nice.

I havent :S ... stupid slow Australian broadband.
But i must say i am quite pleased to see the return of posts/day in the profile section. As well as the profile redesign is quite nice.

I havent :S ... stupid slow Australian broadband.
But i must say i am quite pleased to see the return of posts/day in the profile section. As well as the profile redesign is quite nice.

Must be with BigPond then :D No probs here in Brisvegas

- I really like the 'edit history' functionality :)
- DW is a lot faster .
- the new profile page has is a lot clearer then the old one.
- snippets and tuts are integrated better in the forum


- I'm not sure I'm a big fan of the whole 'friends' thing. It reminds me of Myspace which isn't necessarily a good thing IMO
- Tags. What is up with that?

commented: Completely agree :) +21

> I really like the 'edit history' functionality :)
Huh? Where?

Must be with BigPond then :D No probs here in Brisvegas

Woah, it was that obvious?! :P

And i am too far away from an exchange to get a ADSL 2+ connection either, silly newcastle, silly bigpond. :S

> I really like the 'edit history' functionality :)
Huh? Where?

See attachment :)

Apparently you're only allowed to see your own edited posts... So skip that.

Another CON:
- I can no longer click on the post number (i.e. #12). I used this functionality to link to a specific post, but this is no longer possible.

Well, isn't that a letdown :( I like how you can see the visitors to your profile though :)

This update is full of surprises, good and bad.

I can't believe my eyes! At last I can post into the code snippets section. That's a great feature and will use it!

- I can no longer click on the post number (i.e. #12). I used this functionality to link to a specific post, but this is no longer possible.

Now you can :)

I can't believe my eyes! At last I can post into the code snippets section. That's a great feature and will use it!

You were always able to do so. The code snippet section was just hiding in its own little corner where it was hard to figure out how to do so.

You can post in the code snippet section now. But how can you add a new snippet? Perhaps I need new glasses, but I still have not figured out how to it :(

Choose the relevant forum for the language (i.e. php forum, c++ forum, etc). Click on "new thread". In the dropdown menu, select you're posting a "code snippet".

Sorry Dani, but whatever I do I just get a list of code snippets.
In the C# forum I select Start new thread --> no drop down menu.
On the right(Under C# FEATURES) I can select C# Code Snippets to get the list of previous posted snippets, but I just don't see where the dropdown menu is.:'(

On the right(Under C# FEATURES) I can select C# Code Snippets to get the list of previous posted snippets, but I just don't see where the dropdown menu is.

If you can select the C# Code Snippets from the drop down menu when you go to post a new topic in the C# forum then that means that your ready to post into the C# Code Snippets forum with that selected. And you should notice a code box plus a comment box unlike your regular singular comment box when that is selected.

Hah, now I see it! Never noticed the dropdown menu before.
I definitly need new glasses! :icon_cheesygrin:

Hah, now I see it! Never noticed the dropdown menu before.
I definitly need new glasses! :icon_cheesygrin:

The dropdown menu only existed since the daniweb upgrade so don't be supprised that many people including yourself didn't know about it.

It looks quite nice Dani!

Hah, now I see it! Never noticed the dropdown menu before.
I definitly need new glasses! :icon_cheesygrin:

Could it be that blue light glaring in your eyes?--LOL Thanks for the link Danny!

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