Is is possible for you to reduce the amount of negative rep I can give from 30 to something more reasonable, say 10? I'd like to occasionally give negative rep but I don't want to completely destroy the member. Maybe there should be a maximum negative rep that can be given.

crunchie commented: Great idea :) +0
happygeek commented: I like that idea +0
Dani commented: Thanks for the suggestion :) +0
tux4life commented: Very good idea, I like it. +0

I second the motion. If I give a newbie -rep, he immediately has a rep-block as overall status.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I don't see the difference between neg repping someone or posting a constructive comment in the forums.

Is this just for newbies not using code tags or something?

>>Is this just for newbies not using code tags or something?
That is one reason, but not the only reason.

I think that would be a great idea too Ancient Dragon. Maybe we could have an option to neg rep a member UPTO our maximum neg rep amount? I don't think I have ever neg repped anyone actually!

Maybe we could have an option to neg rep a member UPTO our maximum neg rep amount? I don't think I have ever neg repped anyone actually!

I had asked for this years ago, I believe: essentially the DevShed approach of choosing the amount of both positive and negative rep. I'd found even zero-rep agrees and disagrees to be useful.

I had asked for this years ago, I believe: essentially the DevShed approach of choosing the amount of both positive and negative rep. I'd found even zero-rep agrees and disagrees to be useful.

I think this is a good idea. For example:

Let's say you joined a few years ago and got rep from 10 people back in the day. That would've resulted in 1 block or 100 points.
If you join today and get rep from the same 10 people, this will result in 2-3 blocks (200-300 points), because their rep-power has increased drastically.

So people who joined; took a break for a few years, and then restarted posting, now have a relative small rep, although they got the same amount of people repping them as someone who joined a month ago and now has a monster-reppower. The result is that the nice green ocks, next to your name, say very little about how helpfull you actually are.

But it does say that people that have clout like what you say... :icon_wink:

commented: True +0

It all depends on your REP POWER,the higher it is THE MORE YOU WILL AFFECT THE USER...

On one site my rep power is SKY HIGH (249713) and if i give rep,they either get ALL GREEN or ALL RED!! (10 dots) -- So i gotta be very carefull on that site giving neg rep cause i cant do it w/o really hurting someone..

What are these up/down buttons actually doing? i.e. if I press the up button - does my whole 6 points of rep power "rep" that poster?

The up/down buttons let you vote a post up or down by just one point without affecting the user's reputation.

If you leave reputation, the vote will automatically be increased or decreased by one, regardless of who you are or what forum you're in.

Oh, so its a kind of like a post review system?

commented: test +0

Yes :) It's I guess kinda like a Digg-inspired thing only it integrates with our rep system.

That's really cool. Lots of great new features on the site! Great job!

So is there any way to tell (apart from actually checking the threads) if your posts are being up/down rated?

That's coming very shortly. Stay tuned.

Ooh exciting. I'm liking these site changes :)

So is there any way to tell (apart from actually checking the threads) if your posts are being up/down rated?

Yeah i spoke to Dani about it on MSN she says that she is working on having the statistics on profiles

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hey Dani, not that I want to rain on anyone's parade. Ha ha.

...But those up/down arrows make the whole thing look cluttered.

I don't know about anyone else - but I just feel like clicking on them for no good reason. If it doesn't affect the rep then what's the point?

I think what would be more useful is the thing that was originally requested in this thread. The ability to allocate how much rep you wanna doll out to someone, or take away?

Isn't it like when we used to be able to rate the thread. Sure some people used to rate it but nobody paid any attention to it.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

OK... seriously ...the clutter is getting bad...stop.

The little numbers next to each thread in the main topic board are as meaningless as when there was an option to rate threads. Be a good girl and close down your coding ide...

My input:
- I like the 'digg' style +1 and -1 buttons.
- But the reputation should be removed because now we have two methods to rate a post which could be considered confusing
- The new buttons are pretty ugly. Please down-size them and change the color-scheme to the rest of the 'info-div'

But overall, I;m glad the failing reputation system is going to be replaced by something more meaningful. So: good job Dani!

The new system is actually *integrated* with the reputation system. If you give rep, it automatically upvotes or downvotes. The rep system still serves its purpose if you want to leave a comment about the post more than a simple up or down vote (which is anonymous).

Yes :) It's I guess kinda like a Digg-inspired thing only it integrates with our rep system.

OK - forgive me if I'm having a blonde moment, but is this new "rating" system a replacement or an accompaniment to the current Rep System? At the end of the day, any new system is only as effective as the general understanding of how it is used.

That aside, have to agree with AD's request. Sometimes a "no hit" rep remark is sufficient for the task.

EDIT: a little slow on the comment.... just noticed further explanations in above response from Dani, which helps a little. It is interesting to note the confusion to the new system however, as goes to highlight how the general understanding of any new system has much to do with how effective it can ever be :)

NB: I am left wondering how many rep adjustments will be handed out while ppl "fiddle" with those new buttons :D

Its an accompliment and i like it

@Jbennet - not in anyway criticising new system (can see the appeal), but just see a need for clear clarification, as seems to be causing more than a little confusion.

Should the voting be annon, as leaves open for ppl to simply down-vote ppl for more petty reasons due to anon set-up. Even poll-votes are not set as anon by default are they?

commented: test rep +0

OK, so if I want to simply give one single rep point, click the up button, as I did to jbennett above.

Or add your entire rep allotment by clicking the add link, as I did for kaninelupus. But the number is not modified.

And I agree the buttons are very cluttery as well as the bold number.

OK Dani - are the post votes intended to add/minus from the person's Site Rep (which is currently not the case), or simply a method of rating the individual post?

From another thread...

Are you aware the little rep counters are actually little buttons to easily up-vote or down-vote a post without affecting someone's reputation points? ... But meanwhile if you do give reputation it also up-votes or down-votes for you automatically.

Oh, so that's what's going on... Got it!

This seems like an excellent way to be passive-agressive.

commented: Tis true. +0
commented: hell yeah +0
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