So we had a department meeting, and the question of the day was, how does an IT dept measure success? The obvious suggestion was how many tickets closed compared to incoming tickets. But anyone have any other or deeper ideas?

I think that's way to simplistic a measure. Shouldn't the average time to resolution be a factor? What if no problems are reported at all - can you still be called successful?

Is there some other means to measure the service provided? System uptimes, training provided to customers? Do you install and configure newly deployed machines?

How satisfied are the supported users?

That should get you started.

surveys. customer satisfaction, improvement suggestions, speed of response etc

well surveys would not be that helpful as I have noticed, we as end users never have time to go through the surveys to give feedback t the IT support. I know its not a good practise but thats the way it is. I would say to figure out the average time taken to solve the issues, number of issues solved etc and relating it with the recurring issues, downtimes, criticality of the issues etc should be able to help measure the performance of the it support department. There wold always be more variables to measure upto but then again this could just be a start.


if you let people set the criticality level themselves, you will notice that every issue (my solitaire doesn't work!) is very critical and top priority :)

exactly, i wish i could do something like that. Our business blocked the gaming websites a while back so a couple of issues were raised with the helpdesk that internet access is down. Truned out the only websites they tried were the flash gaming ones. Did not even bother about checking it with other sites. That said we have turned to getting the games on excel sheets but thats a completely different

Bet helpdesk or IT Dept wont be able to block the access to such sheets as they just look like normal excel sheet....or can they???


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