You heard it here first. Dani, the Queen of DaniWeb is in her hive and very busy. She just told me that the new and improved DaniWeb 2.0 is about to launch. Even as I write this note, the new site is going live. Over the next half an hour or so you will notice changes, possibly some down time and finally a whole look and feel. Enjoy!


O comon I was just having fun y did I get negged.

btw how do I check Thread I have posted in like in the old interface?

Click the button in the bottom purple toolbar that says Threads I've Posted In.

Click the button in the bottom purple toolbar that says Threads I've Posted In.

Oh yeah thanks.

You heard it here first. Dani, the Queen of DaniWeb is in her hive and very busy. She just told me that the new and improved DaniWeb 2.0 is about to launch. Even as I write this note, the new site is going live. Over the next half an hour or so you will notice changes, possibly some down time and finally a whole look and feel. Enjoy!

Dani sure does like the color purple :)

This IS the new look :)

This IS the new look :)

You got tricked by a spammer. There's a spam link hidden inside the collapsed quote-tag :)
They're getting more resourceful by the day! She probably doesn't gives a rat's ass about the new look.

Now that's clever. Damn spammers :)

cool cant wait to see

cool cant wait to see

Erm, can't wait to see what, exactly?

As I've said before, scroll up a couple of posts, this is the new look!

Signature spam... Still waiting for them new rules ;)

Signature spam... Still waiting for them new rules ;)

Don't hold your breath while waiting for that :)

Actually, I was waiting on Davey to come up with the modified rule suggestions.

Sit rep update :)

Davey is, as mentioned in various moderator forum threads, still working on it but having trouble (as Dani predicted when we spoke about this in New York) coming up with a re-write that deals with signature spam in any meaningful way.

We cannot, and indeed will not, have a rule which forbids people from saying, in effect, 'I agree' or similar. Otherwise we'd have to have a rule which banned people from saying I disagree, and then it's a slippery slope to no discussion whatsoever. OK, I exaggerate, but you see where I am going with this.

Equally, the management consensus of opinion is that signatures are here to stay (albeit not visible to guests - which has reduced the number of sig spammers in my opinion) so there will be no direct ban.

So it all comes down to an appropriate wording which allows posts that are 'in context' and 'add value' but which does not alienate new posters, and which is not subjective in any way. Past experience suggests that the rules work best when subjectivity is taken out of the equation, so they need to be clear cut for both members and mods. This is very important, as can be seen by the fact that currently different people have very different ideas as to what is and isn't sig spam!

However, I am working on it as time allows. Unfortunately this has been in shorter supply than usual over the last couple of weeks thanks to illness and other work commitments. I've been jumping into DaniWeb for a couple of hours in the morning to do general cleaning up and community admin stuff, as well as writing/posting news stories, and then back again in the wee small hours if I'm not too tired. Same goes for weekends, but the rules rewrite has slipped down the ToDo priority list as a result - especially as the 'not visible to guests' move seems to have had a positive impact in reducing sig spam numbers.

That said, I'm hoping to be able to get a couple of hours free this weekend to attack it with gusto, so all being well should be able to get a draft version over to Dani for the start of next week. :)

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