
I just wanted to know that does a KPO experience counts in an IT industry of developers and programmers.
I was placed in my college in HCL BPO and I worked there for 4 months just to learn some new things and communication standards but I left that company as I've done B.Tech. in Computer Science And Engineering in 2010 and it was not of my interest.
I've done ASP.Net with C# and developed my own college website using that.I also know C and C++.
I searched for jobs but didn't get any.
Now I've been placed in another company iYogi but a KPO this time.
So, I just wanted to know that whether it is better to join a KPO or should I continue searching for jobs.
Please reply as soon as possible as it is a matter of my career.

Thank you very much in advance.

Is there nobody to answer my question ???

Thank you very much for no answer to an urgent question and I am really happy.

You probably got no responses because no one knows what the hell you are talking about. Don't assume everyone knows what those acronyms mean, such as KPO, "HCL BPO" and "B.Tech. in Computer Science".

You should also mention what country you live in. This is the net and for all we know you might be living at the North Pole with Santa Clause.

Thanks Ancient Dragon, I really appreciate your kind concern towards my last post and I would definitely look forward to the point mentioned by you.
The abbreviations were Knowledge Process Outsourcing(KPO), Business Process Outsourcing(BPO),HCL(Hindustan Computers Limited--A 5$ Billion Indian Corporate Sector Which Is Also Known For Its Information Technology Sector) and Bachelor Of Technology(B.Tech.).

So, now I hope everyone got some information on these terms and I will look forward to a relevant, quick and a logical reply related to the question I asked at the top.

From that we can deduce that your question is 'should I join a knowledge process outsourcing (company) or keep looking for a job' which, to be honest, I am not sure how anyone here can really answer in any meaningful way. If you've searched for jobs in the subjects you are interested in and found none, but have been offered a job in another subject which you think you can handle, then take the job even if it is just until you find something which is better suited to your long term plans. Any work is better than none, all experience looks good on your CV.

commented: Simple and Logical answer.Thanks. +0

Thank you very much happygeek and I am really happy that you've given a straight forward suggestion leading to the correct path.
I would like to tell you that through your kind reply, I've got my appropriate answer however this answer could be given ages ago or a question like Ancient Dragon asked could have been asked that time only but anyways I've got my answer.
Thanks again.

If I had spotted your question earlier I would have asked it earlier, but unfortunately I only read it for the first time this week I am afraid. It's impossible to read every post on DaniWeb, literally not enough hours in the day...

That's perfectly fine with me because in the end you provided me an awesome logical answer.
Thanks again.

hi KM i am also in same position as like you i have done B.E in ECE from chennai 2010 passed out i searched job but i didnt get any job but selected in one KPO company in chennai they offering 10k salary p.m and planned to go for it what u say is it worth or not and its experience is valuable or not in later stage ... need ur opinion


Hi Raj, as per my own views are concerned I would suggest you to decide one thing in your mind that which job suits you the best.
I mean that after 30-35 years how much satisfied would you feel after working in a KPO for such long time as you are an Electronics Engineer.The same point I thought in my mind and I didn't joined KPO as a KPO experience (as per my knowledge) doesn't count in any IT and ECE industry.

But I have also worked in HCL BPO from June 2010 to October 2010 just to increase my communication skills and then I left the firm because I didn't find any implementation of my Engineering knowledge in a BPO.
Also, I got placed in a KPO,iYogi in November,2010 but this time I was sure of the decision to be taken and so I didn't join this one and these days I am searching for an IT job and I am sure that I will surely get one someday.


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