Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone can point me to the best file/cloud solution/service out there at the minute?

We are a medium sized company spread out in to 15 - 20 locations and are looking to share press images/photos and maybe even some documents or video in a central server, ideally with 2 levels of user, super admin who can see and edit everything and admins who can upload new pictures for their own individual facility.

Dropbox would be ok - but it seems expensive if we were to add the individual users needed for each shared folder.

Flickr seems good but doesn't look like it can support anything other than photos, which isn't a major problem just now but in the future I'm not sure.

Google Apps sounds like it might work...

Anyone got any thoughts or experiences? I'd prefer to work with an established company that won't be going anywhere in the next few years as I don't want to spend another week moving to another service after I have it setup, ideally. Money is not an issue but would rather be smart with it. If we have to go with dropbox then so be it.

Thanks guys & girls,


why not just create your own web site where you can store anything you want on the file system. This would also eliminate the possibility that anyone on the internet can view the files -- your files could be much more secure from the public.

Would love to but the managers of the seperate locations can barely use facebook never mind trying to FTP stuff.

They wouldn't have to know hot to ftp stuff. Just create a web page with the names of the files and they could just click the link and download it to their own computer if they want to. I see that all the time on all kinds of web sites

ahh no, i need them to be able to save stuff to it as well as access it to download it.

Well, that can be done too. I'm not a web programmer but I do know there's a way to let users upload files to your server.

Yeh I am a programmer and know it can be done but browsers wouldn't be able to handle the 150 images a time uploads the managers would need to do. thanks for your input though, i need all the input I can get to make the best decision

How about a cloud storage, like Amazon S3, or Windows Azure?

Will check them out, thanks. High hopes but I hope one of them have ease of use like dropbox or google's picasa.

Yeh I am a programmer and know it can be done but browsers wouldn't be able to handle the 150 images a time uploads the managers would need to do. thanks for your input though, i need all the input I can get to make the best decision

You can use flash, or java to do this.

Tons and tons of document management systems out there, from the very basic to the extremely elaborate.
No need to write things yourself, just take an off the shelf product, install it, and run with it. If you want to be fancy, you can configure to your heart's content (or your budget :) ).

i know theres millions. thats why i'm asking which is best ;)

Will check them out, thanks.

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