My HP laptop is dead, I don't know where to begin finding out what could be wrong. I know it could be a million (maybe not that much) things wrong with it. I just don't know where to start looking.

How about you list some of the symptoms? Does any of the leds come on when you hit the power button? Does the battery try to charge? Does the laptop do any beeping? Does anything show up on the screen? Does it make any weird/abnormal noises? What is the model #? How old is it? How much ram does it have? How big of hard drive? Any new hardware installed? Does it POST (power on self test)?

We need clues!

Oh, and what were you doing with it when it died? Was it dropped? Spilled on?

How about you list some of the symptoms? Does any of the leds come on when you hit the power button? Does the battery try to charge? Does the laptop do any beeping? Does anything show up on the screen? Does it make any weird/abnormal noises? What is the model #? How old is it? How much ram does it have? How big of hard drive? Any new hardware installed? Does it POST (power on self test)?

We need clues!

Ok, sorry about that, duh, on my behalf. The laptop is a HP Pavillion ZE2000, about 2 years old. There was some trouble with the fan not cooling off the laptop, it would shut down sometimes. No new harware was installed. No Beeping. No Lights. Nothing at all. I read somewhere to take out the battery and just try the AC plug, I did that, still nothing. I mean this thing is really dead.

Oh, and what were you doing with it when it died? Was it dropped? Spilled on?

Just died, some overheating perhaps. My guess is the motheboard but I'm not sure. No lights, no sounds, just dead.

sounds like it overheated for the last time

Yep, it is probably dead. Unless you left out some info, it is most likely dead.

sounds like it overheated for the last time

I do belive the Bear is correct!

Yep, it is probably dead. Unless you left out some info, it is most likely dead.

Ok, so now I think the laptop is really dead, does it pay to replace the motherboard or is all lost. How hard is it to replace the motherboard? Does anyone know where I can get some info on that?

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