Why is noone helping me fix my dns server error?? :'(((((((((((((

if you would tell us what's happening we would be able to help.what is the error you are getting

Are you my knight in shining armour?? - i hope so :-)

When i type in the web address (which i know is right ) it says, Error -DNS error or server not found.

I know the website is fine and up and running, but no idea why i suddenly cant use it on my computer... Any ideas????
I look forward to your reply ;-)

what is the name of the web site ( i can try it from my end) what type of connection are you using, broad band, dsl or dialup. if broadband are you directly connect to your modem (ethernet or usb cable) or u have a router connecter between the modem and the pc and if dsl the same, tell me....

what is the name of the web site ( i can try it from my end) what type of connection are you using, broad band, dsl or dialup. if broadband are you directly connect to your modem (ethernet or usb cable) or u have a router connecter between the modem and the pc and if dsl the same, tell me....

Hi, thanks for your reply. I shouldnt really admit to the website is it.. you will see why, hehe.

Hope you can help :-)

I am on a broadband connection and the use a router

i can access the web site, do the following steps,
1: remove the power from the moden and the router. keep off for 20 seconds.

2: reconnect the power to the modem , let it fully power up ( about 1 minutes)

3: then power up the router, wait 1 minutes.

4: try access the web site.

let me know how that work and tell me what OS you are using

Done that, it still keeps coming up with the same problem.
What is an OS??.. im afraid i am not that great with computers.

the operating system is this a windows vista or xp or a macintosh os 10 or 9

I smell an advertisement.

I smell an advertisement.

I promise its not!!!!

is this the only web site u cannot access

Yes it is the only site i cant get on. But i promise it is not an advertisment. Honest. There was noone i could ask for help so i googled things that might help me and this website popped up. Why would some come on here to advertise it??...i know, all you boys have signed up now havent you?? hehe. SERIOUSLY I NEED HELP, I PROMISE!!!!.

Hello..if you're able to connect to other websites, it hasn't really got any to do with your hardware. I know a software that can reset your IP configuration...but i don't think that will work either..have you tried accessing the page using a different browser....such as netscape or opera?

do u have a firewall/internetsecurity suite running on your pc. it might have block the wage base on the key work illicit chack that program and let it give access to the page

Have tried using firefox, still doesnt work. Its all very odd.

I have norton anti virus. I am not sure how to do what you just said bobby.

Try to disable Antivirus program or firewall. then try again... sometimes some aAvs restricts some sites. otherwise i got banned from the site

Hi, you said in your previous post that this problem only started after you removed a virus from your pc, and that you had trouble installing Norton 360 on your machine. It sounds to me that there is a problem with the installation and/or setup of Norton 360. Look, in your icon tray at th ebottome right of your screen for the Norton 360 icon. Put the mouse pointer over the icon. Right click mouse buttone. Disable Norton real time file protect. try accessing your web site. If this works, uninstall Norton 360. hope this helps.

Try going to anonymizer.com,if your service provider is blocking the site,anonymizer can get it for you without the service provider knowing it.

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