Guy Kewney R.I.P - Death of an IT Legend

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The death of Guy Kewney early this morning is not only a huge loss to the world of IT journalism, but to the world itself. He deserves recognition as the first dedicated technology journalist, having started way back in the early 1970's, as well as devoted husband, father and a much missed friend.

Guy died, aged 63, following a relatively short battle with cancer.

He will perhaps be best remembered by those who have been in the technology game the longest, either working to develop the tech that we all take for granted today or simply using it. His interviews with the true pioneers of technology, including Bill gates, Steve Jobs and Alan Sugar (the AMSTRAD man) were insightful in those early days of computing, largely as he not only managed to ask the right questions but built up relationships with these industry figures born out of trust and respect. Indeed, from his monthly column in Personal Computer World magazine that started back in 1978 through to his later online work, Guys was a voice that was always authoritative yet never patronising, always probing yet ever polite. It is no wonder that he became one of the most influential IT journalists in the UK, that influence reaching across the waters into Europe and America for good measure.

The younger readers of this posting might remember Guy for a different reason, his YouTube hit video. Booked to appear on BBC News to talk about a dispute between The Beatles and Apple, the news channel mistakenly took another Guy into the studio. Guy Goma was there for a job interview and thought this was part of it, so answered the questions put to him in an increasingly incredulous, and amusing, manner. The video went viral very quickly indeed.

I remember Guy for very different reasons. When I first started in this business some 20 years ago now, he took me under his wing and gave me advice and assistance that has helped with my career along the way. When my own father died, I adopted Guy as my surrogate Dad as we travelled the world together on press trips. I will miss the man, the world will miss the likes of which may never be seen again in the IT journalism business.

You can read the moving account of his last few weeks of life, in his own words, on Guy Kewney's blog.

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May he rest in peace.

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