
How can i improve SEO of SNIP

Amongst the most important SEO pitfalls would be to rename your webpages to more correspond with the anchor text in your paragraph links. If you have a text link "UK plug", then the webpage it points to should be about that text or at least, very closely related to that text.


How can i improve SEO of SNIP

What is SNIP?

Ignore this thread because I used the link of my website. that link has been removed by Daniweb guys and replaced with 'SNIP'. Therefore. You have no change of seeing my website now. How useful it is, huh!

Ignore this thread because I used the link of my website. that link has been removed by Daniweb guys and replaced with 'SNIP'. Therefore. You have no change of seeing my website now. How useful it is, huh!

There are a lot of factors that go into optimizing a website for search traffic (ie. Keyword Research, URL naming conventions, meta/alt tags, copywriting, analytics, inbound link building, etc). If you are looking for guidance in any of these areas, all you have to do is ask. Be as specific as possible without mentioning the name of your website. We are all here to lend a hand and learn.

May u can start with the on site SEO

This is the check list we work to when performing onsite seo

Site Registration / Company Data Check
Hosting Analysis
Site Visitor Pattern Review
Top 10 Competitors Analysis
Keyword Research (primary & secondary)
Keyword Competition Analysis
Keyword Use within Content
Keyword Density
Global Link Popularity
Meta Data Optimisation
Outbound Links Analysis
Website Neighbourhood Analysis
Code Validation Check (W3C standards)
Browser Compatibility Check
Clean Code Check
Website Archives Check
Duplicate Content Filter Check
Robot text Optimisation
Black Hat SEO Check
Website Readability Level Review
Server Log / Analytics Code Analysis
URL Parameter Checks
Canicalisation check
Header Tags (H1-H6) Optimisation
Server Speed Check
Load Time Speed Check
Page Objects Analysis
IMG ALT Tag Optimisation
Sitemap Install (XML & HTML)

hope help!

Here are some of the things you need to consider with regards to SEO:

1. On-Page Optimization - it deals with the proper use of title tags, meta tags, alt tags, description, keywords and heading tags.
2. Off-Page Optimization - it deals with building links.

Above all is the quality content that you have. It lessens the amount of bounce rate if you have fresh, interesting and unique content. Remember, content is king!

thats a gr8 post thanks for providing us such a useful information

Try doing article submission,directory submission,blog commenting etc..

You can do SMO for your site

I think its effects lot

What is SNIP? anyway if you read some of the link building methods that was part of seo..i think just do it and get quality backlinks.

sorry i have no idea about SMO.
link exchange ,free link directory, reciprocal link, back link, article submission and blog commenting these are the basic & effecting thinks and it will help u.

SEO includes off page and on page optimization

Onpage includes Titel, discription, keyword, tags

Off page includes link building by different methods Like directory, article submission, forum and blog posts, press release, social bookmaring

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