Couple weeks ago I heard about Google caffeine, people say it will faster and better then Google Search engine that we know today, the question pretty simple, what do you think SEO will be once Google caffeine fully implemented?

Couple weeks ago I heard about Google caffeine, people say it will faster and better then Google Search engine that we know today, the question pretty simple, what do you think SEO will be once Google caffeine fully implemented?

Oh that's easy.

SEO will be search engine optimization.

Couple weeks ago I heard about Google caffeine, people say it will faster and better then Google Search engine that we know today, the question pretty simple, what do you think SEO will be once Google caffeine fully implemented?

Hey, You are right, Actually Google had made those changes to improve it's speed. As a result, it gives more importance to page loding option of a site too. So, SEO guys/webmasters have to consider that too as a factor when targeting good ranks on google search. :)
However, I heard, Matt cutts had told in an interview that, the changes have been implemeted after the seasons holidays... :)

Its right that before some days ago google launch google caffine, and it really help to SEO webmaster to increase the rank for their website.Because page loading time have the most importance in ranking with the help of caffine it increased.Sio really this hep to us.

Its right that before some days ago google launch google caffine, and it really help to SEO webmaster to increase the rank for their website.Because page loading time have the most importance in ranking with the help of caffine it increased.Sio really this hep to us.

Whoa whoa whoa slow down a second.

A long long long long time ago in SEO came the importance of validating code, tightening up the code, cleaning up the errors, removing unnecessary code, keeping the content tight. The search engines liked it then, they still like it now and they will likely like it tomorrow [the Alpha Omega of Internet tools I suppose]. They publically indicate favour to this periodically and then scale down into the melting pot (tweaking the algos they call that).

It's all good for business.

Note also, the search engines have always easily recognized important web pages. It knows when the crafting of a was important to the webmaster. It wasn't bogged down with a thousand affiliate links. It didn't have any spelling mistakes within well constructed concise paragraphs.

All of these things we've been discussing are but factors in a complex mechanism of hundreds of other ranking factors that the search engines use to determine what the best web page is for a search. ... a handful of factors ... just a drop in the bucket ...

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