There are some guidelines which should help you achieve your
desired SEO results.
a) Get the Keywords Right
b) Include keywords in your Page Titles
c) Inclusion of keywords in your Title Tags and Meta Tags
d) Keywords in Content
Using these basic guidelines in relation to keywords in relation to
search engine optimization and you will find that your site can not help
but be affected in a positive way.

thanks to share!
e) must keep an eye on your competitors behavior

Yes, useful post for beginners.

yes that's true but make sure that keyword should be relevant with the website theme and the searches should me maximum with less competition.

good points there but you did not cover lsi keyword techniques. Basically on page seo is also about using semantically related keywords in your page.

Adequate Keyword or keyphrase placement during On-page SEO is essential in order for the effect to be positive. Nonetheless we must not forget that the keywords must be placed within informative, quality and unique content. They should be included within well structured sentences.

Thanks for your advise.

I am doing same things as you mentioned. I appreciate you spirit as you shared things with us.

And you also need to pay attention to keyword density if you are to have a good on page design.

we should use following steps for effective use of keywords :

1. Always use keyword in title tags.
2. We should use keywords in the <meta name="description"> and <meta name="keyword">
3. We should put keywords in the body copy and alt tags.
4. Keywords contained in the URL or site address.

I would to add another 2 tips as below:
using your keywords in H1 tags;
using your target keywords and their variants as anchor text on-pagely and off-pagely.


Metatags are important in the past but Google has slowly reduced the importance making the SEO Weightage for onsite optimization at only 30% weightage. It's the offsite optimization that matters more right now.

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