
I just finished creating a website a month ago and now have started focusing on backlinking. Does anybody have some good ideas on obtaining the best backlinks. I've read it's good to get into directories, forums, blogs, article sites, and social bookmarks, but is there any that search engines look at more than another.


I think all above mentioned in your post would be effective back linking channels. Personally, I think analyzing your top 10 competitors' sites would usually be effective in finding right back linking sources.

As for back link quality, contextual back links with your targeted keywords as anchor text from niche relative authority sources would be the best ones.

all the best,

Find your competitors and analyze their backlinks and build according to competitors backlinks wherever possible...

The best backlinks are, of course, from sites which have a high ranking themselves. Just about all the methods you mentioned are free, so it can't hurt to constantly build as many as you possibly can.

What do you guys use to analyze your competitors' sites?
Yahoo site explorer is ok, but i am looking for something that shows page rank too. Thanks!

Try another like press release submissions and article submissions.


I just finished creating a website a month ago and now have started focusing on backlinking. Does anybody have some good ideas on obtaining the best backlinks. I've read it's good to get into directories, forums, blogs, article sites, and social bookmarks, but is there any that search engines look at more than another.

you can use google ad words to find a good keyword list and then search those words on google for quality links pertaining to your affiliated keywords. Heres a good article that might help as well

Press release, article marketing and social bookmarking are the best. Obviously the most important factor is the niche competition.

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