For a particular keyword, we have 2 listing on site. Unfortunately, the page which is at 30 rank lacks onpage factor's and relevancy for that particular keyword and the page which we have optimized ranks at 51 position. we need to get ranking in 1 or may be 1 1/2 months. What should i do?

Right now, i feel i must go for the page... which is having better ranking i.e. on 30th rank. Am i making the right move?

i think so, and you must take some expert advice and track that keyword on the regualar basis.

  1. Make better content
  2. Hyperlink words to the relevent content.
  3. Having outbound links to other sites does help ranking
  4. What experience do you actually have with SEO?

i think its a gud move,

Unique content and relevant keyword.

@bradly.spicer: I just have 3 years of experience in the field of online marketing.

But no you dint answered my question i.e. which URL i should choose for link building?

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