Most of Internet Marketing Company India are running hard to design the best offer to get morr client ensutring them safety from google updates. it seems that they are taking undue advantage of innocense of webowners. Actually, if a wenbsite is promoted genuineely, there is no risk of any uipdate.

well its cant stop spamming explicitely but its a nice step to reduce the spam. It has already hit alomost 2.5% US English quesries so far and will likely to affect more.


yes off Course after the penguine updation ranking is very diffecults. but according to in new updated penguine you should do seo on high pr web site. mean you should get the quality back links by high pr quaility web site.

It is important and nice step to reduce spamming.

What about the possible 'Google Ghost' update though? It's hard to see how this filtering of 'medium quality content' is helping anybody, and if it is the case that Google is turning to attack this after dealing with the 'thin' stuff which we can probably all agree is a good thing then one thing is for sure - sites which are UGC driven will have a very hard time continuing to exist unless they are bankrolled by VC cash or being used as a loss-leader by larger brands to drive users to paid for content.

My opinion ..better to minimise off pagw work... and remove bad back links from google disavow tool from google webmaster.

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