I have seen many website owners are commenting in my blog posts on my blog and asking about new update ?

I have not seen any news about new update want to confirm from my friends about it ?

No Penguin or Panda update in 2015 yet. We are all waiting anxiously! However, Google did release their long-awaited mobile algorithm last week, which favors mobile-friendly sites when searching from mobile devices.

Aside from those big algos, Google updates their algorithm hundreds of times per year, so there have been small things constantly changing.

Mobile algorithm update was made affctive since 21st April 2015. NO other major other update is expected. However, quality information and promotion will continute to reward.

now has been update google Penguin and google Panda. if you want to know any update news must search on google.

There are a number of webmasters saying a Panda update occured at the beginning of this month. Others are claiming it may be part of Google's Doorway Algorithm. What are your thoughts on this?

@PixelandtheWolf, i thought google's thin content Penalty made some of the websites traffic down.

that think hit before a week. most of them had received the message from google about thin content. for more details check BHW Thin Content Penalty.

Mobile algorithm update was made affctive since 21st April 2015. NO other major other update is expected. However, quality information and promotion will continute to reward.

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