Dear webmasters,

I want to set keywords density in my some New websites as per required in SEO.

how can I set Properly keywords density in my website as per Requirements of Search Engines?

and how much keyword density would be best for any website ?

Keyword density is an useless factor nowadays in Google Ranking or any search engines ?

pls advise , Hope to hear from you soon.


The absolute best thing that you can do is not concern yourself with keyword density and instead write for humans.

The best keyword density is the most natural sounding. If you're trying to rank for the keyword "red shoes" then if you had sentences all over your site like, "If you are looking for red shoes and not blue shoes but red shoes then you've come to the right place. We're the best place for red shoes that you can find. So to find red shoes just click on the navigation menu."

The keyword density there would be way too high. Repeating your keywords in an unnatural way is too much.

Keyword density is important to your ranking ... it's important to make it natural.

Keyword density is important, but like dani said, write for readers.

Search engines will detect how many times the term is displayed on a page, and it will dynamically affect your ranking positively, up to a certain point. After a certain amount of times they keywords are said, it begins to look like spam and is affected so.

Keyword density is important to your ranking . it is a factor as to determine a webpage whether it is relevant to a specific keywords.

Dear webmasters,

I want to set keywords density in my some New websites as per required in SEO.

how can I set Properly keywords density in my website as per Requirements of Search Engines?

and how much keyword density would be best for any website ?

Keyword density is an useless factor nowadays in Google Ranking or any search engines ?

pls advise , Hope to hear from you soon.


As far as search engines are concerned, if a particular keyword has a higher density on that particular web page, then the chances of that page obtaining a much better search engine ranking increases almost exponentially. Not all search engines compute or evaluate keyword density in the same way and most have their own proprietary algorithm for calculating the average density of a keyword.

But that only works up to a point, at which time the curve takes a sharp downhill turn.

I did some research on this recently and most copywriters say keep keyword density under 10%, just make sure your h1/titles/h2 are targeting the keyphrases, and maybe have the keyphrase repeat a few times througout the page.
Keyword density used to be much more important with seo but I rewrote some content to have less keyword density and my sites are ranking better, especially on the new live search.

if i say simple never repeat the same keyword lots of time. Just right your copy so that the keywords are neither less nor too much.

Again quality is important, if you focus more on highly effective keywords that will worth much more, don't bother about density.

Keyword density is important as per the latest update of google.but donot stuff it with keyword as google is taking measure to find website thats specially/artificially made for that keyword .So if you are targetting a keyword for your website,then use the following method to know the recomended density for that particular keyword..which i discussed in one of my previous reply..
To measure the keyword density and to low down/increase the density,we should first take in consider which keyword you are targeting and for which search engine TLD you need to do the seo .TLD means top level domain like .com,, etc

for example if you are targeting a keyword "top resorts in kerala" and as the location kerala is in India,you have to open and search the keyword in the search bar and get the first 10 results.

Note:there are many sections in SEO we need to takecare of the keyword density for a particular keyword

For the time being,we will talk about the title as a start up which is seen in <title></title> tag

Analyze all the 10 top listed websites title and check the maximum times they used the keyword.

like site#1 kept -cheap resorts in kerala
site#2 kept -best resort in india
Site#3 kept -affordable resort in cochin and so on..

then for the keyword -top resorts in kerala,you should use the following density

The "top" didnt used at all in the above sites,so you should keep it atleast once..its recommended.
The "resorts" used 3 times,so you can use the keyword "resort" atleast once and maximum 3 times.if you didnt use it for atleast once then keyword density of the word 'resort' inthe keyword-top resorts in kerala for the title tag is low and if you use it more than 3 times then the keyword density is high.

the "kerala" used one time in the above sites,so you can use it for atleast one time and maximum one time only

So by analysing like this,your title for the keyword"top resorts in kerala" can be some ting like this

example title:"top resorts in kerala|Best resorts in India|cheap resorts"

this is achieved by using the above method
using top atleast once (recommended for keyword:top resorts in kerala)
using resort for 1-3 times
using kerala for definitely once

hope this helps..
let me know if you need any clarification.



Who told you that keyword density is zero ??

Google gives credit to a website according to keyword research and keyword density. ;)

Again quality is important, if you focus more on highly effective keywords that will worth much more, don't bother about density.

With quality we should focus on keywords. If you repeat your keywords with every other word on every line, then your site will probably be rejected as an artificial site or spam site.

Keyword density indicates amount words or more than keyword used for a content.

The keyword density is important in SEO of any website. The thing which must be kept in mind keyword stuffing should not be done.

As far as the GOOGLE is concerned there is no place of keyword density. You may find a website ranking well in SERP even if there is no searched term is present on the page or in title and description.

The keyword density was a matter of concern till 2008-09 now after so many updates it has no place in SEPR ranking algorithm. Since google do not collect data of a web site from only the website but also from different sources like, articles, directories, press media, social media and back links.

So the matter of concern is make your website's content for the visitors of the website and do not bother for density.


Improving the keyword density on your website is one of the fastest and simplest ways to increase your site's visibility in the search engine results pages.

Dear webmasters,

I want to set keywords density in my some New websites as per required in SEO.

how can I set Properly keywords density in my website as per Requirements of Search Engines?

and how much keyword density would be best for any website ?

Keyword density is an useless factor nowadays in Google Ranking or any search engines ?

pls advise , Hope to hear from you soon.


i think keword is very important..u must choose it carefull..

The absolute best thing that you can do is not concern yourself with keyword density and instead write for humans.

The best keyword density is the most natural sounding. If you're trying to rank for the keyword "red shoes" then if you had sentences all over your site like, "If you are looking for red shoes and not blue shoes but red shoes then you've come to the right place. We're the best place for red shoes that you can find. So to find red shoes just click on the navigation menu."

The keyword density there would be way too high. Repeating your keywords in an unnatural way is too much.

Keyword density is important to your ranking ... it's important to make it natural.

I am totally agreed with you and i think you are right and i want to add that keyword density is very important for any content and website its should not be exceed and also should be use in perfect place.

Keyword density is the percentage of number of keywords/total number of words in the content *100.
Suppose number of keywords =4 and total words=100;then keyword density=(4/100)*100=4%.


Keyword density is important part of SEO. for google seo standard it should be 3%-4%. nothing to more than this....

I agree with the post above, its about focus not stuffing. You need to be smart with your meta tags and site description, word placement, everything really. Nothing is overlooked in Googles eyes.

Keyword density sometimes refers to keyword frequency. Keyword density is the no.of times a keyword appears on a given webpage or within the content as a ratio or percentage of the overall word count.

Keyword density is one of the important factor in on page SEO. it describes how many times our keyword appears in content. according to the search engine guidelines 3-4% is ideal if you use keyword morethan that search engine may consider as a keyword stuffing.

Keyword density is a foundational concept of search engine optimization (SEO). It's important to understand how keyword density works, since it can have a direct impact on your site content's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and on the costs of your online marketing campaigns.

Keyword density tells you how often a search term appears in a text in relation to the total number of words it contains. For example: if a keyword appears three times in a 100 word text the keyword density would be 3%. From the point of view of search engines, a high keyword density is a good indicator of search engine spam. If a keyword appears too often in a website, search engines will downgrade the website and it will then appear lower down in search results.

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