Hi' This is a Dreamweaver template .DWT but for some reason I can't edit the line 36 (<td colspan="2" class="footer"> Personal </td>) it appear on gray.

Any suggestion?

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Not sure but you may have a corrupt file. The area you are trying to edit is outside of the editable range. Line 33 closed the edit region. But if this is the template file you are editing, then you should be able to make changes. Suggest opening and editing file in notepad and then see what Dreamweaver says!

Not sure but you may have a corrupt file. The area you are trying to edit is outside of the editable range. Line 33 closed the edit region. But if this is the template file you are editing, then you should be able to make changes. Suggest opening and editing file in notepad and then see what Dreamweaver says!

Yes the issue is that I'm trying to make changes in the template itself but Dreamweaver don't allow me. I follow your suggestion and modified line 16 eliminating this:
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Banner" -->
<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

I work like a charm! Thanks.

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