Hello, I recently constructed my first website for a friend using
Sharepoint designer. Everything seemed to go well except
when I click a link then click home again the webpage shifts position.

Here is the site


Click "About" then "Home" repeatedly to see the problem.

Anyone know what is causing this?



In the source of the homepage you have P tags with a width larger than 900px. The table is only 900px wide, so I think you should remove the width on the P tag to solve this.

pritaeas is absolutely correct. You have inline styles on most of your p tags, which are above 900px.

You could try something like this (untested)


Probably won't work in ie6 though.

Thanks for sharing the useful information...

Or you should do it the way everyone else does, create a wrapper div around the content and give the div the width. Then every paragraph inside that div will be constrained to that width. It's not normal to give the p tag a wdith.

For the last few years, the site was maintained using Microsoft FrontPage 2003®. When it was decided to completely revise the site in 2007, one of the prime motivators was to move to being fully standards-based (XHTML and CSS). But the reasons for updating the site were not only technical.

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