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I spent hours working on a page yesterday and /finally/ got it to work so that the header image would resize when the browser window changed size. So I'm about to publish it and think I should maybe check it over once more to make sure everything works. Turns out, the navigation doesn't work. I have a DIV layered overtop of the navigation DIV, so it's not allowing me to click on any of the navigation buttons. I've tried messing with the Z-Index and I've looked on google for solutions but it's just not working for me. I'm totally clueless when it comes to DIVs and Z-indexes, I usually use tables since I find them easier as I don't know how to use DIVs.
I'm sure the DIVs are all wrong too, so if you have any tips on how to use them properly I would be very grateful.

Any help would be very very much appreciated!


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Without going through all of the code you provided (it's getting late here, I'm sorry) I can say you have the right general idea on the z-index portion.

The higher the number, the further 'forward' it's position in relation to what's lower in number.

That being said, some content types (flash for example) don't like to play well with z-indexed content and will always 'force' themselves to be on top. There are others as well but flash was one that popped to mind when I was thinking of possible issues here.

I noted that you mentioned that you are more comfortable with tables and while I can sympathize, I should point out that the current trends in web design frown upon table use and lean toward divs.

What I might mention is that it may be helpful to check out some of the tutorials at w3schools as they may be very helpful in leading you in the right direction for your CSS and DIV issues.

Hope this helps :)

Member Avatar for T4gal

Yeah I've really been meaning to learn to use DIVs. Everything I read says they're way better and more flexible, but I can never seem to get them to work. I'll check out those links.

Well, it's good to know I'm heading in the right direction anyway. If anyone could check out the code and tell me why it's not working that would be awesome. I don't know much about javascript either. I just got that code off of google.
Also if anyone knows a better way to do this I'm all ears. Basically, I have a nav bar on the left that going all the way to the top of the page, and the I have a header to the right of that along the top and the content right below the header. I'd like to make the header image switch based on the screen width. So I have more than one header, different widths to choose from.


For z-index to work div must be positioned relatively or absolutely, like this:

<div style="position: relative; z-index: 5;">content</div>

By the way, you shouldn`t embed styles directly into HTML, use separate stylesheets instead. Same goes for Javascript. Clear separation of those three things really makes it easier to work and edit your code later. Consult for more useful tips and stuff. :)

commented: Answered my question perfectly. +2
Member Avatar for T4gal

That worked like a charm! Thank you so much!

And yes, I use separate stylesheets, I just find it easier to switch to an external stylesheet after I'm finished working on the page. I'm not sure how to do that with javascript though?

Thanks again!


what if you had a flash instead of the green navigation at the left side? I substituted it with flash and zooming in causes the <td> that contains the flash to overlap other content. Is there a way to control flash in this situation?
I asked this question in a separate thread here where you can see my code.

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