Any Free and feature-rich Web- Authorization tool for Web-Publication.
The Tool should support templates and should be according to latest w3c specifications, please help.

I have signed at geocities and tripod Web-hosting site for free accounts. Should I use the in-built tools or upload my designed website. ( Any Suggestions are welcome. )

Which is the best websites testing tools. ( Any Suggestions are welcome. )

Member Avatar for diafol

If you want a template-driven site, go for Joomla, Drupal, Mambo etc. unless you want to design your templates from scratch - could be daunting if you do not have a background in design/dev. However, I would suggest this route as you get what you want (with a little blood, sweat and tears). The CMS route gives you what THEY think is a good template. You want everything for free? Well, forget Adobe/Macromedia products then (I'm ashamed to say that I still use Dreamweaver MX for little projects). You'll need a good text-editor and very little else. Well, here's my list of free stuff - although some can be said to be feature-lacking rather than feature-rich!

Texteditor: Notepad++ (my editor of choice, but there are hundreds out there)
IDE: Aptana, Netbeans (I don't tend to use them very often - but they are very useful)
FTP Client: CoffeeCup, FireFTP for Firefox
Graphics: Gimp 2 (feature rich)
Browsers: IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera (if using Linux, Konqueror as well). If you can't install all these browsers for whatever reason, try 'browsershots'.
Apache/pHp/MySQL: XAMPP - my favourite installer/package
SQLyog - an easy to use GUI for MySQL
Testing tools: HTML and CSS validators from W3C. is useful for Section508/WCAG.

Remember that just because your site passes these tests, doesn't mean that it will, be visually enticing, be accessible or be any good!

firefix opera safari have 'thumbdrive' versions, no-install versions that allow yout to have all the major engines installed

via best western hotels, stuck waiting for hurricane to leave

If you want a template-driven site, go for Joomla, Drupal, Mambo etc. unless you want to design your templates from scratch - could be daunting if you do not have a background in design/dev. However, I would suggest this route as you get what you want (with a little blood, sweat and tears). The CMS route gives you what THEY think is a good template. You want everything for free? Well, forget Adobe/Macromedia products then (I'm ashamed to say that I still use Dreamweaver MX for little projects). You'll need a good text-editor and very little else. Well, here's my list of free stuff - although some can be said to be feature-lacking rather than feature-rich!

Texteditor: Notepad++ (my editor of choice, but there are hundreds out there)
IDE: Aptana, Netbeans (I don't tend to use them very often - but they are very useful)
FTP Client: CoffeeCup, FireFTP for Firefox
Graphics: Gimp 2 (feature rich)
Browsers: IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera (if using Linux, Konqueror as well). If you can't install all these browsers for whatever reason, try 'browsershots'.
Apache/pHp/MySQL: XAMPP - my favourite installer/package
SQLyog - an easy to use GUI for MySQL
Testing tools: HTML and CSS validators from W3C. is useful for Section508/WCAG.

Remember that just because your site passes these tests, doesn't mean that it will, be visually enticing, be accessible or be any good!

Don't be feel ashamed to Dreamweaver MX ( Professional tool )for little projects. For you, a Professional web-designer to me by your reply post and giving me some positive feedbacks.:icon_razz:
But give me some irrelevent information also.:-O
Just man, be cool and relax a little bit before post.
Anyway thanks.

Member Avatar for diafol

>But give me some irrelevent information also.
Just man, be cool and relax a little bit before post.

What are you talking about? I think we misunderstood each other here. I thought you were looking for free general tools, an FTP clent and testing tools. I'm sorry if I gave you some irrelevant info, perhaps I should stop replying to people who hijack other people's threads. Having spent about 5-10 minutes answering your question, I'll never get that time back. I will add you to my ignore list so that I don't waste your or my time again.

>But give me some irrelevent information also.
Just man, be cool and relax a little bit before posting.

What are you talking about? I think we misunderstood each other here. I thought you were looking for free general tools, an FTP clent and testing tools. I'm sorry if I gave you some irrelevant info, perhaps I should stop replying to people who hijack other people's threads. Having spent about 5-10 minutes answering your question, I'll never get that time back. I will add you to my ignore list so that I don't waste your or my time again.

Just be cool and polite a little bit more ( at least with me ) and clear why you suggested any thing extra things to me, otherwise its seems to made sense in poster's mind that you are educating them and differs them to post further in this forum. Yes, I praise your knowledge of web and other development applications. You can add to that ( VS2010, vs2008, vs 2005 express edition, Java and the whole family of development ( how can anyone forget about that free software distributions. )
Besides that, there are some cool free Development tools from IBM.

Well, ardav ( as a Bill Poster at DaniWeb ), I feel greatly hurt by your first reply and narue ( Team Colleague at DaniWeb ) and members ( FBOOK, firstlook, and may be by someone ) ( get 6 down comments for 4 good posts from me by 4 menbers at DaniWeb)
Just for telling them the bare truth or not replying timely or before tread got marked solved.
Any standard HTML and CSS used in your ashamed DreamWeavers MX may have some non-standard features also, added if I say for any or having told by you if you think that is relevant. But you or I will find get pissed off by narue and will be told following standards ( how cheap mindedness... ).
Well, I will like to add you in my friends list after seeing your second messages ( somewhat now, may be we can have a long lasting friendship if we both like each others ideas.
Thank for your precious time.

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