When loading up any browser, all the text and pictures display normally, but the graphics buttons and pointers and outlines etc. do not show up. It must be a problem independant of the browser. All other programs display correctly. I was using an nVidia gForce 6100, but just tried changing to an nVidia nForce 8400 with 512Mb. Same results. I suspect a registry setting has been changed but I don't know for sure. Anyone else had this before?

Is it html from webpages or the browser's buttons etc which you are referring here? What browser also u are using?

Please provide all the details. Then the problem can be assumed

I have tried IE8, Mozilla Firefox and Chrome, same results in each. Pictures and videos are fine from websites. Am running XP, 1.6 GHz intel processor on an ASUS motherboard, installed an nVidia gForce 8400 w/512Mb onboard, 1Gb system memory.

As an example, the Yahoo page with the menu down the left side...the words are there with a blue line around them, but none of the icons. The news headlines where the pictures are has the boxes underneath where the left and right arrows would be, but no arrows, although you can still use what should be in the boxes if you know what is supposed to be there.

You might have turned off page styles for your browser.

In Firefox, click on the View toolbar menu, go to Page Style and select Basic Page Style.

If its not page styles then must be an addon installed, like adblock, which is blocking the images...

As I said, the screen looks exactly the same in 3 different browsers. Each browser has it own web settings. Whatever the problem is, it seems to be independent of the browser in use. The hunt continues...

Ok, so no styles or addons being the cause of error here. Just to be on the safe side, I would have uninstalled and reinstall the browsers, deleting the folders from Program Files before reinstall to default settings once again

Pictures and videos are fine from websites

Could you be more specific on this point...what websites, what videos etc?

I have the exact same issue: menu graphics not rendering in ANY browser. I noticed it in IE, then downloaded FireFox, installed from scratch and experienced the same thing. I've updated java, flash and even re-installed the graphics driver. No dice.

The problem doesn't seem to affect images within web pages. However, WinXP style embedded "buttons" appear only as blue hyperlink text, and all menus appear only as blue hyperlink text. Oddly enough, animation of menus is unaffected -- hovering over top menu brings sub menus, etc.

This behavior applies to both IE and Firefox (both are current) on a WinXP Home Edition PC. Any ideas to resolve this issue would be much appreciated. Thanks!

I have the exact same issue: menu graphics not rendering in ANY browser. I noticed it in IE, then downloaded FireFox, installed from scratch and experienced the same thing. I've updated java, flash and even re-installed the graphics driver. No dice.

The problem doesn't seem to affect images within web pages. However, WinXP style embedded "buttons" appear only as blue hyperlink text, and all menus appear only as blue hyperlink text. Oddly enough, animation of menus is unaffected -- hovering over top menu brings sub menus, etc.

This behavior applies to both IE and Firefox (both are current) on a WinXP Home Edition PC. Any ideas to resolve this issue would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Example photo uploaded to my flickr page.

the code you twit, pictures are useless

This has NOTHING to do with the HTML and CSS forum. We have no control over Yahoo's servers. This is an Internet, browser, or OS related problem.

Reset your browsers.

Check your Internet connection

Regards, Arkinder

Sorry guys, I found this post through a google search and joined the community to re-state jmcdyer's plight and provide greater detail and proof (photo) based on my experience. To the folks that tactlessly suggest my posts aren't relevant to the CSS/HTML forum -- you're absolutely correct, and it doesn't excuse your rudeness. My posts ARE relevant to the message that started this thread and any others that may be experiencing the same problem, regardless of where the thread resides in daniweb's categorization scheme.

Anyhow, I can report progress that may be useful: I created a new Windows user and found that the problem went away for the new account, so the root cause must be tied to the account settings, not the browser or the code. For the benefit of jmcdyer, and others that may find this thread the same way I did, I will post again if I find a solution for the original/problematic user account.


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