Alright I have a major issue here that has stumped me all weekend.

A site i'm working on displays correctly in firefox but incorrectly in Safari, Chrome and IE. Don't worry about Internet Explorer.

Weird thing is how it is displaying incorrectly. When you click on content or a link and go to the content page template, it seems like everything is trying to fit in the left sidebar. However, when you hover over an image, it switches to the correct display style. How could this be happening?

Here's the site:

Like I said, front page displays fine it's the inner pages. And only in chrome and safari.


You have a few errors in your html. The pages viewed fine in IE8 for me, but some of the errors are incorrect closing tags, or not closing tags at all. Please fix those errors first, then see if you still have issues. You can validate here and see the errors.

No, this unfortunately isn't the issue. It was an all of a sudden thing. Check this site out ->

same thing is happening but I have no content on it! and It successfully validates.

For some reason on chrome and safari it is rendering this way..but firefox and i guess IE8, it's rendering correctly.

Either way, you need to start with valid code to eliminate the question as to whether its causing the issues or not. First thing a wed designer should do to debug issues, is validate and correct all coding errors.

Alright, figured it out. Had nothing to do with those errors the validator pointed out. One of them I can't even control cause it's Drupal's generated markup.

and what was it?

The container that holds all of the blocks underneath the primary links bar needed a width specified.

Unbelievable..I wish there was one browser to rule them all!!

Unbelievable..I wish there was one browser to rule them all!!

Maybe html5 will resolve these cross browser problems....but who knows. We can only hope!

Maybe html5 will resolve these cross browser problems....but who knows. We can only hope!

True that brother! Anyways, thanks for your help!

No problem, although I didnt do much. Seems you figured it out on your own! Great job.

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