I'm sure this will be very simple for someone to figure out, I have a template form a company called cvent, we are using them as our registration payment solution. I have been trying to get their template to suit our site but I am falling short with aligning the page to the left. I have access to a .css file and thats it I'm not sure if posting it all here is the right thing to do. I tried to attach it but it keeps failing.
This screenshot http://www.paramountcollege.edu.au/images/Screenshot.jpg shows it is towards the middle of the page but definitely not centred. I want it all hugging the left of the page but cant find where to make adjustments in the .css.
here is the .css
ID#: 006
Modified working fine all menus etc
Name: Charcoal on White
html { height: 100%; }
body { height: 100%; background: #FFFFFF; }
div.container-1 { min-height: 100%; width: 100%; } /*min-width: 950px;*/
/* Typography
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Headings */
h1 img, h2 img, h3 img, h4 img, h5 img, h6 img { margin: 0; }
div.single-column h1 { margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 1.8em; text-align: center; clear: both; font-weight:bold;} /* text-align: center; */
div.two-column h1 { margin-bottom: 10px; width: 100%; font-size: 1.8em; text-align: left; clear: both; }
h2.section-header { margin-bottom: 10px; height: 27px; background: #d2df7b; font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; }
h2.section-header span { padding: 5px 0 7px 6px; height: 27px; text-indent: 5px; display: block; width: 98%; }
h1 { color: #000; }
h2 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; }
h3 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 1em; }
h4 { font-size: 1.15em; line-height: 1.25; margin-bottom: 1.25em; }
h5 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 1.5em; }
h6 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; }
/* Text elements */
p { line-height: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 15px; }
p img.left { float: left; margin: 1.5em 1.5em 1.5em 0; padding: 0; }
p img.right { float: right; margin: 1.5em 0 1.5em 1.5em; }
/* Hyperlinks */
a:link { color: #000; text-decoration:underline; }
a:active { color: #000; }
a:visited { color: #000; text-decoration:underline; }
a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
/* Layout
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
div.normal div.main { width: 570px; }
div.normal div.container-4 { }
div.normal div.container-4.iframe { background: none }
div.header { background: #fff; overflow: hidden; }
/* Header */
div.header-bar { background: #d2df7b; }
div.header-bar ul li a { border-left: 1px solid #fff; color: #fff; }
div.header-bar ul li a:hover { color: #3E9C3E; }
.dd-list dt a:hover { color: #3E9C3E; }
.dd-list dd ul { background: #d2df7b; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; }
.dd-list dd ul li a:hover { background: #99B499; color: #000; }
div.header-bar div.arrow { border-width: 6px 5px 0; border-style: solid; height: 0; left: 90px; top: 12px; padding-top: 0; position: absolute; width: 0; border-color: #000 #d2df7b #d2df7b; } /*left: 90px*/
div.single-column div.header { width: 100%; min-height: 10px; position: relative; }
div.single-column.subnav div.register { position: absolute; right: 0; margin-bottom: 85px; bottom: -50px; z-index: 1000; }
#TableHeader tr td {background: #FDFDD7 !important;}
/* Single Column */
div.single-column.normal div.content { width: 680px; margin-left:0; background: #fff; margin: 0 10px; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; float: left; position: relative; }
div.single-column div.container-4.iframe div.content { border-left: none; border-right:none;}
div.single-column div.top { width: 100%; float: left; position: relative; }
div.single-column div.middle { padding: 10px; clear: both; }
div.single-column div.social-media ul.icons { margin: 10px; list-style: none; float: right; }
div.single-column div.social-media ul.icons li { width: 90px; margin-left: 10px; float: right; text-align: center; }
div.single-column div.breadcrumb { width: 100%; clear:both; position:relative;}
div.single-column div.breadcrumb ul {list-style:none; float:left;}
div.single-column div.breadcrumb ul li { padding: 0 5px 0 10px; float: left; display: inline; background:url(images/breadcrumb-bg.png) left 6px no-repeat;}
div.single-column div.breadcrumb ul li a { padding:0 8px 0 0; text-decoration: underline; }
div.single-column div.breadcrumb ul li a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
/* Navigation
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
div.single-column div.navigation { width: 100%; float: left; position: relative; }
div.single-column.normal ul.sf-navbar ul { width: 680px; }
ul.sf-menu { background: #d2df7b; font-size: 11px !important; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar { background: none; }
ul.sf-menu a { padding: 7px 10px; color: #fff; text-decoration: none; }
ul.sf-menu li { background: #d2df7b ; border-right: 1px solid #fff; }
ul.sf-menu li li { background: #d2df7b ; border-right: none; }
ul.sf-menu li li a {border-right:none; color:#000; border-bottom:solid 1px #909090; }
ul.sf-menu li li li { background: #d2df7b ; border: none; }
ul.sf-menu li:hover a { color: #000; }
ul.sf-menu li:hover, ul.sf-menu li.sfHover, ul.sf-menu a:focus, ul.sf-menu a:hover, ul.sf-menu a:active { background: #fff; color: #000; text-decoration: none; }
ul.sf-navbar ul { padding: 5px 0 0 10px !important; }
ul.sf-navbar li { margin-left: 1px; padding-left: 8px; background: #d2df7b; border-top: 1px solid #75745A; border-right: 1px solid #75745A; border-left: 1px solid #75745A; }
ul.sf-navbar li a { background: #d2df7b; border-top: none; color: #d2df7b; text-indent: -7px; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li li { background: none; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li a { border: none; color:#d2df7b; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li:hover, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li.sfHover, .sf-menu.sf-navbar li.current { padding-left: 8px; background:#d2df7b;}
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li li.current, .sf-menu.sf-navbar li li.current:hover { background: #fff; border:none;}
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li li.current a { background: #fff; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar a:focus, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar a:hover, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar a:active { background: #d2df7b; color: #fff; text-decoration: underline; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar ul li:hover, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar ul li:hover li, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar ul li.sfHover li, .sf-menu.sf-navbar ul a:focus, .sf-menu.sf-navbar ul a:hover, .sf-menu.sf-navbar ul a:active { background: none; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li li li:hover, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li li li.sfHover, .sf-menu.sf-navbar li li.current li.current, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar ul li li a:focus, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar ul li li a:hover, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar ul li li a:active { background: none; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar .current ul, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar ul li:hover ul, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar ul li.sfHover ul { left: 0; top: 2.5em; } /* match top ul list item height */
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar .current ul ul { top: -999em; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li li.current > a { font-weight: bold; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li ul { background: #d2df7b; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li.sf-breadcrumb.sfHover a, .sf-menu.sf-navbar .sfHover a {background: #d2df7b; color: #fff; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li ul li{ border:none; }
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li.sfHover ul li.current a { color: #000;}
ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li.sfHover ul li a, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li.sf-breadcrumb.sfHover ul li a, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li li a, ul.sf-menu.sf-navbar li.current a.tabs { background: none; }
/* Split Navigation */
div.split-nav div.navigation { margin: 0 10px !important; padding: 0 !important; height: 32px; font-size: 11px; }
div.split-nav div.navigation ul { list-style-type: none; }
div.split-nav div.navigation li { border-right: 1px solid #fff; float: left; }
div.split-nav div.navigation li.current {background: #FDFDD7; color:#000;}
div.split-nav div.navigation li.current a {color:#fff;}
div.split-nav div.navigation ul li a { padding: 10px 10px 9px 10px; color: #fff; display: block; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0; border-bottom:none; }
div.split-nav ul.sub-menu { list-style-type: none; }
div.split-nav ul.sub-menu li { border-bottom: 1px solid #909090; }
div.split-nav ul.sub-menu a { padding: 6px 6px 5px 6px; background: #d2df7b; display: block; text-decoration: none; color:#000; }
div.split-nav ul.sub-menu a:hover, div.split-nav ul.sub-menu li.current a { background: #fff ; display: block; }
/* Summary Page
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
div.when, div.where, div.planner, div.capacity, div.websites { width: 100%; margin: 0 0 20px; padding: 0 0 10px; float: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #464646; }
ul.details { width: 55%; list-style-type: none; float: left; }
ul.icons { width: 44%; list-style-type: none; float: left; }
div.websites ul.details { width: 99%; }
div.websites ul.details p { margin-bottom: 15px; }
ul.details li { width: auto; margin-right: 10px; }
ul.details h3 { margin: 0; line-height: 1em; font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; }
ul.details p { margin: 0; line-height: 1.5em; }
ul.icons li { padding: 0 0 15px 0; width: 90px; float: right; text-align: center; }
ul.icons p { margin: 5px 0 0 0; line-height: 1em; }
div.summary-2.content { width: 70% !important; border: none !important; }
div.summary-2.content h1 { text-align: left; }
div.summary-2.details { width: 25%; margin-left: 15px; float: left; }
/* Fees Page
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
div.fees h3 { border-bottom: 3px solid #000; }
ol.fee-items.stepped div { margin: 0 0 10px; width: 100%; }
ol.fee-items.stepped h4 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; }
ol.fee-items.stepped span { font-weight: bold; text-indent: 20px; color: #000; }
ol.fee-items.stepped table { width: 100%; }
ol.fee-items.stepped th, ol.fee-items.stepped td { text-indent: 20px; }
ol.fee-items.stepped td { padding: 5px 0; border-bottom: 1px dotted #d2df7b; }
/* Grid Details Right */
ol.fee-items.grid-right li { margin: 0 0 20px; }
ol.fee-items.grid-right h4 { margin: 0 0 5px 0; font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; }
ol.fee-items.grid-right span { margin: 0 0 5px 0; }
ol.fee-items.grid-right table { width: 100%; }
ol.fee-items.grid-right td { padding: 5px 0; border-bottom: 1px dotted #d2df7b; }
/* Grid Details Bottom */
ol.fee-items.grid-bottom div.contact-type { padding: 5px 0; background: #ffe050; }
ol.fee-items.grid-bottom h4 { padding: 0 0 0 10px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; }
ol.fee-items.grid-bottom span { margin: 0 10px; }
ol.fee-items.grid-bottom li { margin: 0 0 10px; }
ol.fee-items.grid-bottom table { width: 100%; }
ol.fee-items.grid-bottom th { padding: 0 10px; }
ol.fee-items.grid-bottom td { padding: 5px 20px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #d2df7b; }
/* FAQs Page
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
ul.faq-event-questions { padding: 0 0 0 15px; margin:0 0 15px 0;}
table.faq-questions-table { margin:0 0 15px 0;}
table.faq-individual-questions { margin:0 0 10px 0;}
table.faq-individual-questions tr td.faq-table-label {width:10%; text-align:right; padding:0 20px 0 0; vertical-align: top;}
table.faq-individual-questions tr td.faq-question {font-weight:bold;}
table.faq-individual-questions tr td.faq-top-link {text-align:right;}
/* Buttons
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
div.btns-container { text-align: right; margin:0 0 15px 0;}
div.btn { background: #181A1B; display:inline; padding:5px; }
div.btn a { color: #fff; text-decoration:none;}
/* Tables and Grids
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
table.grid { width: 100%; background: #fff; }
table.grid tr.alternate-row { background: #d2df7b; }
table.grid th { background: #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid #000; }
table.grid th a { padding-right: 10px; font-weight: bold; display: block; }
table.grid tbody tr:hover { background: #909090; }
.ListRowBgrd1 { background: #fff;}
.ListRowBgrd2 { background: #fff; }
/* Misc Class
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
.invisible { visibility: hidden; }
.hide { display: none; }
div.prompt.closed { padding: .8em; font-weight:bold; color: #B8252B; }
div.prompt.cancelled { padding: .8em; font-weight:bold; color: #B8252B; }
div.prompt.unavailable { padding: .8em; font-weight:bold; color: #B8252B; }
/*Travel Styles*/
.travel { margin-bottom: 10px; }
.travel td { vertical-align: top; }
div.travel div.travel div.details td { border-bottom: 1px dotted #d2df7b; padding: 3px; }
.travel th { font-weight: bold; background: #F6D965; padding: 3px; }
.info { text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; }
/*Summary Styles*/
div.layout-2 li.when, div.layout-2 li.where, div.layout-2 li.planner, div.layout-2 li.capacity, div.layout-2 li.websites { margin: 0 0 10px; padding: 10px; background: url(images/summary-detail-bg.png) repeat-x; border: 1px solid #d2df7b; }
div.layout-1 li.when, div.layout-1 li.where, div.layout-1 li.planner, div.layout-1 li.capacity, div.layout-1 li.websites { margin: 0 0 10px; padding: 10px; background: url(images/summary-detail-bg.png) repeat-x; border: 1px solid #d2df7b; }
/*My Reg & Travel
.travel { margin-bottom: 10px; }
.travel td { vertical-align: top; }
div.travel div.travel div.details td { border-bottom: 1px dotted #d2df7b; padding: 3px; }
.details .calendar {padding-left: 2px; vertical-align: bottom;}
.travel th { font-weight: bold; background: #d2df7b; padding: 3px; }
.info { text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; }
.alignRight { text-align: right; }
td.total { font-weight: bold; border-bottom: none; }
table.details { }
ul.buttons { list-style-type: none; height: 50px; }
ul.buttons li { float: left; }
p.invitee, p.snacks {margin: 0; padding: 10px 0 0 0; }
li.question { font-weight: bold; background: #d2df7b;}
li.question, li.answer { padding: 3px; }
p.invitee { font-weight: bold; }
p.snacks { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; }
ul.myAnswers, ul.myAnswers li ul { list-style-type: none; width: 100%; }
ul.myAnswers li { border: 1px solid #d2df7b; margin-bottom: 5px; }
ul.myAnswers li ul li { border: none; margin: 0; }
td.add { border-bottom: none; }
.item table { border: 1px solid #808080; }
li.date { border-top: 1px dotted #b0b0b0; }
.category li.date { border-bottom: 1px dotted #000; }
div.backToTop { background: #dfdfdf; color: #484343; border: 1px solid #484343; border-right: none; font-size: 1.5em; }
.arrow { border-color: #dfdfdf #dfdfdf #484343 #dfdfdf; }
/* Pop Ups
form { display: inline; }
div.pop-up {padding:15px 0; height: auto; min-height: 100%; width: 100%; background: #fff; }
div.pop-up div.container-2.session-view { margin: 0 auto; width: 380px; }
div.pop-up div.button { margin: 10px 0; display: block; text-align: center; }
div.pop-up div.button input { padding: 3px; width: auto;}
div.pop-up table { width: 100%; }
div.pop-up table th, div.pop-up table td { vertical-align: top; padding: 5px 0; text-align: left; }
div.pop-up h2.section-header { text-align: left; }
div.pop-up h3 { margin: 0; }
div.pop-up h3.session-name span.code { font-weight: normal; }
div.pop-up div.container-2.session-view table th { width:135px; }
div.pop-up div.container-2.session-view h3.session-category {text-align: left;}
div.pop-up div.container-2.session-view p {text-align: left;}
div.pop-up.address-helper table th {padding:5px; text-align: right; padding-left: 30px; font-weight: bold; width:320px; vertical-align: top;}
div.pop-up.address-helper table th.business-category {padding:5px; padding-left: 50px; text-align: left; width:300px;}
div.pop-up.address-helper table.address-table {width:100%}
div.pop-up.address-helper tr.address-row td {padding:5px;}
div.pop-up.address-helper div.container-2 { margin: 0 auto; width: 680px; }
div.pop-up div.container-2.single-choice { margin: 0 auto; width: 380px; }
div.pop-up div.pager { margin: 10px 0; text-align: right; }
div.pop-up div.container-2.single-choice h2.section-header { text-align: center; }
div.pop-up div.search { margin: 10px 0; }
table.grid.single-choice th { text-align: left; }
/* For buttons
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
td.grButtonMid { background: #d2df7b;}
a.grButtonText { color: #FFFFFF; }
span.button { background: #d2df7b; }/* future 7.0 class do not delete */
span.button a { color: #FFFFFF; } /* future 7.0 class do not delete */
Any help will be greatly appreciated. =)