Right so as the title says im trying to show the selected option from my radio type to be highlighted. I know this can be done with css as it is done here however i can not implement it within this script. Any help would be very appreciated, thank you.
$HTML .= '<div class="required">' . "\n";
$HTML .= ' <label for="contest-q' . $scoreboard['questions'][$i]['number'] . '">' .
str_format( $scoreboard['questions'][$i]['name'] ) . '</label>' . "\n";
$HTML .= 'option A<input type="radio" class="underline-on-hover" name="contest[' . $scoreboard['questions'][$i]['number'] . ']" value="A""' .
( isset( $entry[$i] ) ? str_format( $entry[$i] ) : '' ) .
'" id="contest-q' . $scoreboard['questions'][$i]['number'] . '" />' . "\n";
str_format( $scoreboard['questions'][$i]['name'] ) . '</label>' . "\n";
$HTML .= ' option B<input type="radio" name="contest[' . $scoreboard['questions'][$i]['number'] . ']" value="B""' .
( isset( $entry[$i] ) ? str_format( $entry[$i] ) : '' ) .
'" id="contest-q' . $scoreboard['questions'][$i]['number'] . '" />' . "\n";
str_format( $scoreboard['questions'][$i]['name'] ) . '</label>' . "\n";
$HTML .= ' None<input type="radio" name="contest[' . $scoreboard['questions'][$i]['number'] . ']" value="none""' .
( isset( $entry[$i] ) ? str_format( $entry[$i] ) : '' ) .
'" id="contest-q' . $scoreboard['questions'][$i]['number'] . '" />' . "\n";
$HTML .= '</div>' . "\n";