Good morning,
I have a favicon.ico in my root directory and I noticed that Firefox uses it but Internet explorer does not. Why is this and is there a work around for it?

IE6 and lower's handling of favicons is buggy. It won't show the favicon unless your site is bookmarked. There's nothing you can do about it.

IE6 and lower's handling of favicons is buggy. It won't show the favicon unless your site is bookmarked. There's nothing you can do about it.

I have gone to some websites that I do not have bookmarked and the favicon shows, how is this?

In IE 6 and lower it is buggy and you cannot control when and how it will show.

In IE 6 and lower it is buggy and you cannot control when and how it will show.

Well stymiee now it is a mission. I used

<link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="" type="image/x-icon" />
<link REL="ICON" HREF="" type="image/x-icon" />

and all I get is a little star in my IE7 browser. I will find the necessary HTML to make it what I want and I'll keep you posted. By the way html kit is a pretty damn good editor.

Well the code I mentioned before works, I guess it just takes time.

I've never ever managed to get favicons to display in IE... stymiee you mention its buggy in IE6> but what about IE7? does it work in that?

It's supposed to. But it's possible they didn't actually go ahead in fix it like they said they would.

The simple answer is just to forget about it. As far as I can tell it isn't going to change the user's experience of your site that much anyway.

There isn't really any point of them anyway.

There isn't really any point of them anyway.

Actually I find them particularly handy when I have 10 tabs open in Firefox and the title text isn't fully visible. A quick scan of the icons and I know exactly what's what.

Really good point. I never though of that. But thats not a problem in IE6 is. ;)

the way I did it with the code I had worked it just tool a couple of days. this is in IE7. I just don't have the code in the website now.

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