I want to know what is the best screen resolution for a website. My website is a technical resource portal. Based on the best pratices please suggest what to follow.

Is 1024 x 768 a standard now? Right i have a free flow CSS layout but it is not working very well for me. I dont have much control over the design with the Flex Layout.

Please provide your suggestions.

1) Technically, the "best" is the one that most of your users will have.

2) I still use 800 as the minimum (776px).

3) Do you mean Flexible or Fluid? Flexible is equal to Elastic... it shifts from a Min to a Max... Fluid generally means it will keep on matching the browser.

4) Whether Fluid/Flex - it shouldn't make any difference to your control over layout.
If you are encoutnering issues, it may be that you have got something slight amiss with your markup/styling - not a major problem... should be simple to find it and fix it.

My Users Resolutions from Google Analytics

40.65% 1024x768
28.63% 1280x1024
07.44% 1280x800
05.15% 800x600
03.63% 1680x1050
03.05% 1152x864
02.67% 1440x900
01.91% 1280x960
01.91% 1400x1050
01.72% 1600x1200

Those are "across the board" stats - and may not represent the "user base" for a website (think, how many 45+ users have 1200+ monitors, and how many -25 have 800???)

Still - damned good set of figures... and a good point of referene :)

So, do you know your user-base / target audience?
I suppose you could make 1 single design... then once you have the stats, alter it.

Thanks for the information and the stats. I am planning to go with fixed layout 1024 X 768 for now.

My Users Resolutions from Google Analytics

40.65% 1024x768
28.63% 1280x1024
07.44% 1280x800
05.15% 800x600
03.63% 1680x1050
03.05% 1152x864
02.67% 1440x900
01.91% 1280x960
01.91% 1400x1050
01.72% 1600x1200

You can read and contribute more .NET articles on my site here. Currently the site is going thorugh a whole re-design work and will be up in a month with more exiting features and content.

I want to know what is the best screen resolution for a website. My website is a technical resource portal. Based on the best pratices please suggest what to follow.

Is 1024 x 768 a standard now? Right i have a free flow CSS layout but it is not working very well for me. I dont have much control over the design with the Flex Layout.

Please provide your suggestions.

If your site is technical I wouldn't imagine that many would be using 1024x768.

Saying that, it should still look ok in that resolution. If you're using CSS properly your site should look decent at any resolution.

In case u design flaxible site use 98% of screen size and if you want to make a static design 1024 is standard now.

Glad that it's increasing from 800 to 1024....
why only 98% though?
I set the html/body to min-width: 100.2%... which invokes the scrollbar down the side (so almost all browsers are the same view width) and means the odd percetage seems to handle the odd calculations on certain browsers.

Many "oldsters" with failing sight use 600 X 800.

After all the valuable suggestions I think Iam going with Fluid Layout keeping in mind that my site is a content driven site.
Thanks a lot guys. Keep posting.

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