I have a Gateway W340UI with Vista.

Anyway - for some reason, I went to start it up, and got nothing. Now..I have two identical machines -
The pretty little lights in the front.. on the working one -when Plugged in, I have one solid blue light, and one that flashes. If the battery is charging, there will also be a red light glowing.
Now, the broken one, I only have one blue solid light, no matter what - plugged in or not, even with the battery out of it.
I've switched batteries, power supply's, places to plug in - everything. .. and it wont plug in.
It's acting like a power supply issue - I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts - and if anyone knows where the power supply is on this model..having a little trouble getting the case to come apart, never taken a laptop apart - taken apart plenty of towers through the years, first lap top for me - any help would be great. Thanks..

I have a Gateway W340UI with Vista.

Anyway - for some reason, I went to start it up, and got nothing.

'For some reason' could be anything from a fall off the cars dashboard (taking a heavy knock)....to.....downloading and running 'Debbie does Dallas' complete with infection.

Can you think back to what may have happened for this to occurr?
Any clues you can give us will help with a possible diagnosis for either a hardware or software related issue.

In the meantime here is your notebooks manual in PDF format: http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=3&url=http%3A%2F%2Fassets.gateway.com%2Fs%2FManuals%2FMobile%2F8512150.pdf&ei=aBKQSK68CoOspwSQ9NX4Bw&usg=AFQjCNGVFStZiQwtDWe-5qHf4CfX_NCKMw&sig2=EaCs6eXSrDlpIbgsMWqxYA

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