Hey party ppl
Ive got £100 and im going to buy a graphics card.....i need to buy one NOW as ive just got a new computer and need one to run it......i was thinking along the lines of a PNY Verto 64mb GeForce 4 TI4200 X8 AGP......i cant aford a Radeon 9500 or 9600 so plz dont say get one.......a final question is how much differance is a PNY Verto 64mb GeForce 4 TI4200 X8 AGP to a Inno 3d Geforce 3 TI200 64mb as thats the old 3d card had and i want an improvemt.......the last thing i want is to buy a new 3d card and it not to be any faster........
i would like a £100 card that could :-
* Play GTA 3 and Vice City very very smooth
* Play Unreal 2 and UT 2003 with high fps
* Hopfully hold Half-Life 2 and other future games until X Mas as thats when i get my Radeon 9800 Pro!!!
PC Spec = Athlon XP 2000+, 512 DDR ram, Audigy 2 and XP