Hello everyone,
My internal DVD +/- drive is not behaving at all and it is making me go mad! When I put a CD/DVD (anything) in the drive the little green light goes on for two minutes and then stops...but then when I try to open the drive by clicking on the icon it tells me to insert a cd..even when one already is in. This is a problem that has progressed from being an occasional occurence to being a total everytime thing. My PC is only 4 months old. This is why I am starting this as a new post because unlike the previous thread, my PC is rather new.
I have tried uninstalling the driver and installing it again (win XP) but the same problem. The diagnostic tool tells me that it should be working...but it isn't. I have spent hours on forums trying to find some help but to no avail....I have even attempted everything I can from a similar post here. please help me. Cheers, Phil
PS my drive is a Samsung writemaster. (TSSTcopr CD/DVDW TS-H552B)

Member Avatar for TKSS

Instead of uninstalling the driver...do the following. Go to control panel >> System >> Device Manager >> Your DVD Device

Uninstall the device. Shutdown the computer. Remove your power and IDE cable from your DVD. Power back up. Allow Windows to sense that there is no DVD there. Power back down. Connect everything back up again. Make sure you have your Slave/Master settings correct on the DVD. Make sure you have Plug and Play OS option in BIOS set up as "Yes" Power up. Windows should sense that there is a DVD player/writer again and auto install it.

Let me know how it goes for you...

Thanks. How do I check my slave/master settings are correct?

Member Avatar for TKSS

Thanks. How do I check my slave/master settings are correct?

There is a Jumper setting on the back similar to this one...


This won't be the EXACT settings you need so you'll have to go to the manufacturers website and check out what your jumper settings should be. Sometimes a sticker that matches the picture above will be on top of the hard disk. Let me know how it goes...

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