i have a hard drive that was in another computer and i put it in a case to use as an external hard drive. my windows me will only recognize it in the device panel and not in my computer. i know the hard drive is good because i formatted it on another computer with windows xp. does anybody know why i can't access this hard drive with my windows me


How do you have this wired? USB to a case, and inside an IDE drive? Wondering if you have USB / Firewire setup properly, and if inside, if it is an IDE drive, did you change the jumper to make it MASTER?


not exactly sure what you mean. its connected by usb 2.0 to a case.

Did you format the drive in NTFS (right-click drive->properties when hooked up to the Windows XP machine)? If so, then Windows ME cannot read it. You must format it in FAT32.

yes that is what i did. lets see if it works

Did you format the drive in NTFS (right-click drive->properties when hooked up to the Windows XP machine)? If so, then Windows ME cannot read it. You must format it in FAT32.

hi there, new to all this i`m having the same trouble in regards to my OS not reconising my external hrd drv, but hrd drv was given to me by a friend, we`re not sure how i would go abot reformatting this hrd drv in FAT32, could someone run me through it plz, any help would be much appreciated



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