my computer just hung the other day. so i decided to restart it and when i did it would
find a bootable what could be the problem . please assist

Sorry? it can find a boot disk or it cannot?

..hi there!..try to replace a new cable to your hard disk drive..or, try to reset your hard disk drive to your cable..i hope it helps!..^_^..

You have a Problem in Your Hard disk's Cable or May be You have a Problem of Boot Sector of the hard disk.Just Check out the Cable First replace the cable of Your Hard Disk.

sory for not being around. now i a have tried all the above and still nothing has been fruitfull so any other thing that i can try out. that would be good for me thank you. and remember it just hang then after restarting the problem started

thankyou in advance

it wont find a bootable disk. and something else i have tried it in another computer and the hard disk is not being detected.

I have a same problem with you. let's solve it together

i have tried it in another computer and the hard disk is not being detected.

if its happened normally you can say the harddisk dead. so 1st you need to confirm it.

yep the hard disk is dead how can iget the information in it? a new hard more head aches!..^_^..

Is there a floppy disk in the drive and have your gone into the CMOS and verified the system sees the disks and the order they are booting?

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