Here's the deal - A WinXP HD that was crashed (supposedly) by a virus. To date, one 'tech' attempted data recovery using some utility which confirmed the data was still intact on the HD. This utility crashed shortly thereafter, and the tech could do nothing further. :(

I know what needs to be done, but I am not able to go to Las Vegas at present - thus the reason for a COMPETENT pc tech who knows more than just Windows (Linux, for example..). If anyone reading this knows of someone in the area who can help, please send me their number.

Thanks in advance! ;)

Here's the deal - Unless there's something else you're not telling us you don't, actually, know what needs to be done. Viruses don't trash hard drives. They only trash thw Windows installation and make hard drives not boot up!

Pull the hard drive out of that machine, fit it as a second drive in another working machine that has a CD burner (if the important data is only a few Gigabytes or less) or a DVD burner (if there's a large amount of data). Copy the data to CD or DVD as needed.

Then bung the drive back in the original machine, format it and fresh install Windows etc, then copy your data back. Job's done! ;)

Only reason you need to go to Las Vegas is if that's the closest place where there's another working machine!

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