Help please!

I have a sony vaio notebook which I bought in 2002. I just reinstalled it completely because it was getting slow. Everything went fine. I then downloaded all the updates since 2002 from the sony website. After installing software download taxi and downloading in there all the new softwares, my touchpad stopped working. I pursued setting up all the softwares, using the jogdial system (which I hate), in the hope that one of the softwares would solve the touchpad problem. None does. The status now is that when I turn off my computer and turn it on again, the touchpad works for a few seconds / minutes, then freezes completely. Hopeless. I am at loss...

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance to any good samaritan.


This is answer that I found at and it solved this problem:


Regarding the touchpad not working on an Acer 5100, please try the following:

Press 'Fn' and 'F7' keys together and this should alternate between turning the touchpad on and off.



the SZ series is notrious for having a crappy trackpad - I struggled with mine for years - sent it back to Sony and they said that I needed a new motherboard.

Yeah, right... to fix the track pad.

Well I saved the $699 - and did the black tape fix, and smooth sailing since.

I am hitting all the forums Sony, so hope you read this. This is the only recourse I have for you having tried to jack me for 700 dollars.

This computer is finally operating properly after years. I so wish I had done this earlier. You made me reinstall my system software, all of my software, send the computer in for days - costing me days of downtime - and then refuse to fix a computer that is under warranty -

You tell me that you need to replace the heat sink, mohterboard, fan, and charge me more than the unit is worth to fix your faulty hardware.

Good times.

my sony vaio(e serries) touch pad s not working.i bought it last month. it has problem with tapping option.

Hi alex cheriyakku.

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to make the touch pad press Fn along with F1 then it will be worked for me

commented: thanks esteem it helped a lot. really thank you!!!! +0

try re-installing the driver for the touchpad. if you work on the vaio touchpad with a moist hand, then it may hang for some time... i have gone thru the same problem. but do try the re-installing stuff

I am AnujGupta.I had recently purchased this machine and I am so much haapy after buying it.

Thank You Very much for the help otherwise I thought I would I have to send it to service center.

the tip of esteem really helped me.. thank you so much.. its been two months since my mousepad is not working but i don't tust sony here to open this laptop. been searchin all the while. thank you guys..
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