I've searched all over this site and found simular problems like mine but not exactly so I thought I would ask. When I turn my computer on (I have XP ) it takes forever to load and the hard drive is going ninty miles an hour, I get an error cannot execute main. Than when I'm finally able to get on the intenet which also takes forever because it keeps adding more tabs and opens additional browsers and it seems the more I close them the more they open.

I've downloaded Ad-aware, spybot & ran Norton 360 and still acts the same, than I was told to boot it in safe mode which I did but first disable the system restore than boot in safe mode and run those Ad-aware & Spybot well Spybot found nothing but the other one did so I deleted those and restarted and still the same problem. Does anyone know what else I can do?

Thanks for the help

I'll take a shot in the dark, tammy. Please do these things in this order.
==Get CCleaner from http://www.ccleaner.com/ - and install it in a new folder. You should keep this one for general use. I set the installation checkboxes only to open from the recycle bin. It's neater that way.
Now run CCleaner from the recycle bin rclick menu using its default settings [if you set up CCleaner as i suggested, rclicking the bin icon should give you the Open CCleaner option...].
If you have FireFox open the Applications tab and ensure at least that Cookies and Cache are checked.
Select the Cleaner icon, press Run Cleaner.
[For future quick temp file cleaning select the options you wish to use via the Windows and Applications tabs ..]
==Download this file to your desktop: http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/sUBs/ComboFix.exe
- to run it dclick combofix.exe and follow the prompts to start it. When finished, it will produce a log, C:\Combofix.txt - post that log in your next reply.
A word of caution - do not touch your mouse/keyboard until the scan has completed. The scan will temporarily disable your desktop, and if interrupted may leave your desktop disabled. If this occurs reboot to restore the desktop.
==Please use IE to do an online scan at panda:- http://www.pandasoftware.com/products/activescan?
-select a link to the scan... free online virus scan...., enter a valid? email and follow through, choosing My Computer for a full system scan.
Post the log it produces here.
==download hijackthis: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download5554.html
-copy it to a new FOLDER placed either alongside your program files or on your desktop and then... rename hijackthis .exe to imabunny.exe
-in that folder start HijackThis by dclicking the .exe; now close ALL other applications and any open windows including the explorer window containing HijackThis.
-click the Scan and Save a Logfile button. Post the log here.
You weren't doing much else tonight, were you?

LOL... thank you for all that I will work on that tonight and get it posted. thanks again I really appreciate it I'm just about to toss it out the window. :)

I'll take a shot in the dark, tammy. Please do these things in this order.
==Get CCleaner from http://www.ccleaner.com/ - and install it in a new folder. You should keep this one for general use. I set the installation checkboxes only to open from the recycle bin. It's neater that way.
Now run CCleaner from the recycle bin rclick menu using its default settings [if you set up CCleaner as i suggested, rclicking the bin icon should give you the Open CCleaner option...].
If you have FireFox open the Applications tab and ensure at least that Cookies and Cache are checked.
Select the Cleaner icon, press Run Cleaner.
[For future quick temp file cleaning select the options you wish to use via the Windows and Applications tabs ..]
==Download this file to your desktop: http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/sUBs/ComboFix.exe
- to run it dclick combofix.exe and follow the prompts to start it. When finished, it will produce a log, C:\Combofix.txt - post that log in your next reply.
A word of caution - do not touch your mouse/keyboard until the scan has completed. The scan will temporarily disable your desktop, and if interrupted may leave your desktop disabled. If this occurs reboot to restore the desktop.
==Please use IE to do an online scan at panda:- http://www.pandasoftware.com/products/activescan?
-select a link to the scan... free online virus scan...., enter a valid? email and follow through, choosing My Computer for a full system scan.
Post the log it produces here.
==download hijackthis: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download5554.html
-copy it to a new FOLDER placed either alongside your program files or on your desktop and then... rename hijackthis .exe to imabunny.exe
-in that folder start HijackThis by dclicking the .exe; now close ALL other applications and any open windows including the explorer window containing HijackThis.
-click the Scan and Save a Logfile button. Post the log here.
You weren't doing much else tonight, were you?

I tried the cleaner all it did was sit there saying please wait, the combofix freaked out McAfee saying it's a high trojon file and deleted it, I went to that panda site and hit scan but it did nothing it was like it didn't work or something.

Oh plus the combo fix said it would permanately delete files and I wasn't sure if I should do that so I waited to ask because I'm not sure what exactly that does.

Any ideas??

Those pgms I suggested are safe to run [normally... this is software, and to compound that it is on a computer..:)]. That is my caveat.
CCleaner should have started whizzing thru immediately, it takes up to half a minute to check all locations. Try removing it and reinstalling it. If it won't work [???] skip to Combofix.
Combofix - yes, it will delete bad files, you should let it do that. McAfee should know better - dl a fresh copyof Combofix, disconnect from the net, stop McAfee and rerun Combofix.
Then try the Panda scan again [IE only...]

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