
This site helped me before when my old laptop got spyware and through your help it was cleaned.

However, I have this problem today. I have this trojan horse Downloader.UHT my AVG will heal it but then when I install back my application (Cabal.exe) it keeps on coming back.

How can I delete it wherein I can still install my application?

Hope you can help me.

Thanks a lot.

Please HELP me!!! Thanks a lot.

Cabal.exe, the game file? And AVG AS is detecting it? That would be because it is packed [and the packer wrapper shows up] and many AV/AS wares pick up the packers as Trouble: viruses etc often use packers to disguise their files, to avoid strings being recognised. Set your AVG to ignore it, cos for "heal" you should read "break" in this case...
Lessee... in Scanner, Settings set Quarantine as the default action;
Then in Infections, Exceptions add a rule to ignore it.

Since Im using AVG FRee Edition can;t find this "Lessee... in Scanner, Settings set Quarantine as the default action;Then in Infections, Exceptions add a rule to ignore it." Hope you can still help me. When I Open the file the the AVG notifier prompts me, I click Ignored but then I cannot access the file anymore.

Cabal.exe, the game file? And AVG AS is detecting it? That would be because it is packed [and the packer wrapper shows up] and many AV/AS wares pick up the packers as Trouble: viruses etc often use packers to disguise their files, to avoid strings being recognised. Set your AVG to ignore it, cos for "heal" you should read "break" in this case...
Lessee... in Scanner, Settings set Quarantine as the default action;
Then in Infections, Exceptions add a rule to ignore it.

By the way, I'm just using the AVG Free Edition. So I don;t see the menu you told me on your last post.

Yeah... if you run a proper firewall [not windows one-way deal] it would detect if a trojan was trying to call out and warn you. The game file is okay, though, it is a false alarm.
You are using AVG AS?

Isn't Cabal.exe an executable of a game called "Cabal Online"?

Last week when Im using this file its still ok...just today i encountered this problem..

Yeah, but is the problem with AVG AS or AVG AV?
AVG AV does funny stuff... for a while it suddenly started picking up my IceSword, did it a couple of times, and breaking it, and then it just started ignoring it. Dunno what that was about...
If it is AVG AV doing over cabal.exe, go into the virus vault and select cabla.exe, hit the restore button. That's gotta be quicker than reinstalling the game. And it should learn from that.

yes, it is the executable file of Cabal Online

Isn't Cabal.exe an executable of a game called "Cabal Online"?

It's AVG AV who's giving me problem. When Im ignoring it, it destroys the Cabal.exe so I cannot use it anymore. I don't know what to do..Hope someone can help me.

Yeah, but is the problem with AVG AS or AVG AV?
AVG AV does funny stuff... for a while it suddenly started picking up my IceSword, did it a couple of times, and breaking it, and then it just started ignoring it. Dunno what that was about...

Get rid of AVG and install Avast free.

First u tell me which OS u r using now. if u r using client OSys ten u can simply press DEL OR F10 while rebooting and from the safe mode u do following task:-
1:- uninstall your Anti-virus.
2:- manually delete backup fills which r save in your primary drive .
3:- After that install latest Anti-virus with the third party software.
4:- reboot the system.
5:- scan your computer.

and if u r still getting facing the problem then format u'r primary drive.

First u tell me which OS u r using now. if u r using client OSys ten u can simply press DEL OR F10 while rebooting and from the safe mode u do following task:-
1:- uninstall your Anti-virus.
2:- manually delete backup fills which r save in your primary drive .
3:- After that install latest Anti-virus with the third party software.
4:- reboot the system.
5:- scan your computer.

and if u r still getting facing the problem then format u'r primary drive.

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Thanks so much!! I removed AVG AV and installed AVAST, and now I can play my Cabal.exe..

And to other who helped me as well, thank you so much.

Get rid of AVG and install Avast free.

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