Everytime I start my computer this comes up:

Lsass.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x00401082" referenced memory at "0x00000000." The memory could not be "written".
Click on OK to terminate the program.
Click on CANCEL to debug the program.

I tried both and for each option, the screen goes blank. I can't do anything. What can I do to fix this? Is this a virus or is something wrong with my computer? Thanks so much!

I have the exact same experience. I hope someone is reporting this as a possible virus. Based on the similar problem reports I have found on the web, it looks like this just came up.

ok. i tried rebooting my computer in "Last Known Good Configuration" and it worked. Right now, I'm scanning my computer. But is this enough? Do I need a specific program?

im having this same exact problem on my dell laptop. If anyone finds anything out on how to fix it please let me know.

I work in a PC repair store.

2 Computers came were brought in within 15 minutes of each other

Dell 4700
Dell 3000

Both have the error
lsass.exe - Application Error
"The instruction at "0x00401082" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "written".

I thought this was quite unusual, would like to know how to fix this if this is a new virus or worm, i see a few people have affected Dells, maybe its a dell thing?

My daughter has a Gateway Tablet and has the same problem. She finally got logged on using the "F8" last successful method, but a virus scan was negative. This really just seems to have popped up and it seems to be moving fast.

I'm having the same experience on a Dell laptop. I'm unable to reboot successfully using any of the options within F8. Has anyone found another solution?

Booting using the previous known good configuration did work.

I am doing a scan with AVG and have found a Vundo.CP trojan horse. I am not sure if this is causing the problem. I will let you know when everything is cleaned up.

Booting using the previous known good configuration did work.

I am doing a scan with AVG and have found a Vundo.CP trojan horse. I am not sure if this is causing the problem. I will let you know when everything is cleaned up.

How do you reboot with a previous known good configuration if the screen is black and the computer will not do anything?

Ok ...figured that out...and was able to boot up with last known good config...now scanning with AVP to see if it finds anything.

how do you reboot when the screen goes black?

Hey, Exact same problem here - Except I noticed the virus before the critical shutdown that wouldn't let it boot up again.

The virus would close any internet browser that I opened (be it firefox or IE) before it could open. I ran a full system scan with symantec (last update december 13th 2008) and it found nothing, so I decided to try a system restore to earlier that day. During the reboot for the system restore I got the black screen with the error message that neither ok/cancel would let the computer start up. The computer wouldnt boot in safemode, but could only boot through "last known good configuration" (one way to get to the menu for last known good configuration is to turn your computer off during the boot up but before the error message, although I'm not sure how good that is for your computer)

After getting it rebooted I ran symantec again and this time it found Trojan.Vundo, but after running vundofix.exe (the fix for vundo that is supplied by symmantec) nothing happened. The virus also does not seem to have the characteristics of vundo and if it was vundo symantec should have found it before the reboot. I think either a) the virus is using vundo as a fake name or b) the virus installed vundo as like an extra virus with it, but it doesnt seem like vundo is the main cause of the problems here.

I'm currently checking every forum I can for an antivirus program that could work, if anyone uses hijackthis they could try to find the problem by comparing hijackthislogs from before and after the virus.

I'll post here again if I find a fix or any more information and I hope some of the information I've provided helps.

Masanka - Pls create your own thread.

postalpeg - What do you mean you screen is blank???? I may have a solution for you.


I meant to say goes black. It will say click on ok to terminate the program / Click on cancel to debug the program. Then the screen goes black and I can do nothing else.

I posted all of that because I believe my problem is the same as the one dicussed in the thread, I just had more info on the problem.

I got the exact same LSASS.EXE error with the exact same memory references and I also found trojan.vundo on my computer after I finally got it to boot back up, I just went into more detail on the symptoms I noticed before that point as no one seems to be talking about what else the virus has done aside from stopping the computer from booting.

I only posted here as I thought the info I provided could possibly be helpful to anyone else with the problem.


I meant to say goes black. It will say click on ok to terminate the program / Click on cancel to debug the program. Then the screen goes black and I can do nothing else.

I just noticed your post count.... if you are having problems, can you pls create your own thread with a HJT log, and then we can help you.



Postal, you can get the computer to boot up by holding the power button during the XP load screen before you get the error.

The next time you boot the computer after that manual shut down you should come to a screen that says "windows was not shut down normally" or whatever and you have the option to run it in safemode or run with last good known configuration.

Select last good known configuration and it should boot up, at least it worked for me... but the virus problems still persist and symantec can only find trojan.vundo.

i am having the very same problem, however i still get the application error when trying to run in last known good configuration.
Also I have a biochemistry final tomorrow...not a good night. thanks for your help

jkb3d - Pls create your own thread stating your problem.



I'm having the exact same issue on my other computer. It just started a couple of hours ago. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

I'm having the exact same issue on my other computer. It just started a couple of hours ago. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

Create your own thread, and we can provide you with details and instructions what to do.



My post is related to this thread. Thank you in advance for asking me to start my own thread (as I see has been done for many others). But I think this is related.

My neighbor called describing similar problems across all three of his computers. It made me wonder - could this be related to an automatic update from Microsoft? For those that posted here (including those asked to start a new post), do you know if your systems were recently automatically updated? Do any of you manually update your systems?

Trying to find the common thread here. Sounds like everyone is facing a similar problem. Just wondering if this is an update problem. Especially given the fact that "Last Known Good" works.

My post is related to this thread. Thank you in advance for asking me to start my own thread (as I see has been done for many others). But I think this is related.

My neighbor called describing similar problems across all three of his computers. It made me wonder - could this be related to an automatic update from Microsoft? For those that posted here (including those asked to start a new post), do you know if your systems were recently automatically updated? Do any of you manually update your systems?

Trying to find the common thread here. Sounds like everyone is facing a similar problem. Just wondering if this is an update problem. Especially given the fact that "Last Known Good" works.

Yes, although it is related, we don't want to interfer with the other persons problem. We want to give the other person instructions for their computer, as it may have other infections.

So, pls for everyone having the same problem, pls start your own thread in this area.



Just wondering if the M$ Malicious Software Removal tool which comes each month in auto updates [It is supposed to find the Sasser worm which attacks LSASS.EXE, amongst others] didn't turn malicious? I don't ever dl that particular update.

I downloaded the latest and greatest M$ updates and am having no problems at all.

So it would appear that if using LKGC sorted their problem then it would be some corruption of password/logon hashes? And if it did, then possibly that is all it was, and there is not an infection at the foot of this? I wonder if another user could log on?

i kinda fixed my computer by using last known good configuration but once in a while my programs are not responding. which is what caused my computer to stop working. what is this stupid thing? did anyone figure out to remove this thing for good?

I have a Panisonic CF-51 for work and am getting the following message just after the Windows XP loading screen lsass.exe application error-the instruction @ "0x00401082" referenced memory @ "0x00000000". the memory could not be "written". click ok to terminate the program or lick cancel to debug. The regardless of which one I do it goes to a black screen and that's it. Just the black screen. I am also unable to load in safe mode. I am hoping to come up with the solution instead of spending a couple hundred $ to send in for them to crash it & start over.

I have a Panisonic CF-51 for work and am getting the following message just after the Windows XP loading screen lsass.exe application error-the instruction @ "0x00401082" referenced memory @ "0x00000000". the memory could not be "written". click ok to terminate the program or lick cancel to debug. The regardless of which one I do it goes to a black screen and that's it. Just the black screen. I am also unable to load in safe mode. I am hoping to come up with the solution instead of spending a couple hundred $ to send in for them to crash it & start over.

I was able to go into safe mode screen but the error is popping up there also and will not let me do anything in safe mode.

My computer had done an auto update for windows prior to the error message.

Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated and helpful.

I have a Dell laptop now that's totally locked in a lsass exe loop.. An so far the only way I see it can be fixed is to have the disk or buy one to recover your pc. I THINK THIS IS ALL DONE BY WINDOWS TO GET PEOPLE TO SPEND $ ON RECOVERY DISKS AN PRODUCT KEYS. It's all a scam.

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