My PC is very slow than it used to be and i want some solution to make it to previous state.However formatting the system is not a solution as i have lost the password to get system boot menu.

So any one know of a good software that has unique features to speed my system. I think lot of problem occured due to unsuccessful un-installations of various softwares. Do you know any software to address this problem..?

It would really help if we had real information about the computer...operating system, hard drive size and space remaining, programs installed, how much RAM is on the computer, how are you connected to the internet, what EXACTLY were these

unsuccessful un-installations of various softwares

and how did you try to uninstall them, we need the NAMES of those different softwares and WHY you were uninstalling them. What antivirus program and firewall are you using? We cannot even begin to assess the situation or advise anything without all of the above information and at least a Full System scan log from HiJackThis.

hey thanks for the reply.Well my PC details are as follows.

Processor : Intel Pentium Dual Core
HDD :160GB
VGA : Nvidia 9600 GT (512MB)

The programs uninstalled was, Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Microsoft Visual Studio.

By the way one of my friend said that registry cleaner software would help me. And i searched on few forums and found that JV Power Tools are the best in business.I will try that also and tell you whether it worked for me.Any other help will be highly appreciated.


You have given no information about the operating system.

friend said that registry cleaner software would help me

Is your friend a computer tech and an expert in working in the registry?
We cannot offer advice until we see the log, and have more information about the computer.

Hey It Worked....JV PowerTools 2009 did it for me.I just used it's File Recover Wizard on the System Drive and run a basic registry cleaner wizard.Now all the error messages are gone and PC loads to desktop and to the normal speed within less than 10 seconds.

It was a awesome tool and it proved that it is one of the best.Anyway thanks for your effort in helping me.I really appreciate it.I think since my problem is solved now no need of information of OS right?

Your choice. Glad things worked out for you.

thanks for your help too.

Hey It Worked....JV PowerTools 2009 did it for me.I just used it's File Recover Wizard on the System Drive and run a basic registry cleaner wizard.Now all the error messages are gone and PC loads to desktop and to the normal speed within less than 10 seconds.

Isn't this software something? Jv16 does everything it promises and more. I'm equally impressed with it's small size. I use this software myself and can verify everything you've said.

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