Trying to help out a client whose internet explorer keeps popping up the message that an error has occurred and it must shut down. I have cleared the caches and upgraded them from IE6 to IE7 and installed XP service pack 3. There appear to be no spyware or viruses running. I also disabled 3rd party addons. any ideas would be appreciated.

Really need a lot more info than supplied. How do you know there is no spyware, malware or viruses? What other programs are running on the computer when the problem happens? Updates really aren't the way to go until the computer is known absolutely to be in good working order. What anti-virus, firewall, anti-malware programs are on the computer? How is the computer connected to the internet?
Did you try running System File Checker to be certain there were no damaged or corrupted files? What is the size of the hard drive and how much free space is available? How much RAM is installed on the computer? Has a general clean up been done?

Did you find a solution to this problem. Last night, my computer started doing the same exact thing. A web page will open but only for a few seconds until I get the message that windows explorer needs to shut down. No viruses found, emptied the cache, rebooted but no luck so far??



Did you find a solution to this problem. Last night, my computer started doing the same exact thing. A web page will open but only for a few seconds until I get the message that windows explorer needs to shut down. No viruses found, emptied the cache, rebooted but no luck so far??



Mike, you need to begin your own thread, stating your problems, OS, what scans you have run, etc.

sorry for previous lack of information. OS is WinXP SP3, IE 7, have run windows defender and spybot S&D. Also ran trend micro online scan. AVG antivirus is operating. firewall is windows firewall. connected to the internet over a local network that is connected thorugh dsl. I do not remember the exact HD space available but I do recall that there is plenty. I believe at least 1Gig ram.

I would recommend that you follow the steps given HERE Of course don't attempt steps concerning Deckards System Scanner as it is no longer available. But do the rest but DO allow ESET Scanner to Fix and Remove, finishing with a scan with HijackThis
Post back with the MBA-M log, the ESET Scanner log post back with the Trend Micro scan results and the HJT log.

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