Every time i start windows (on the welcome screen or classic logon)
I get about 9 or 10 errors saying: svchost.exe the reference memory at .... could not be written. After i debug or terminate them i have no sound,CPU isn't shown in System, Inet connections aren't show either ,I have only classic style. Most of windows services are stopped and i have to start them manually (they are set to start automaticly ). I Repaired Windows Xp from the CD but on the second boot I get the same thing. I don't want to do a clean installation of windows or loose data. PLEASE HELP.

OS: Windows Xp Sp2

See what the event viewer says. INSTRUCTIONS

Don't waste your time for me.One good and clean Reinstallation of Windows Xp will fix everything.Should I go Vista or Stay with XP?

In my opinion, Vista is not a very good OS. I have stuck with XP and a dual boot of Windows 7 release candidate.

If your pc has been designed for XP then it wont run all that great with Vista anyhow.

All of the symptoms are of a spyware and malware attack. I was also having the same problem few days back. I am sure that you are also not able to open micrsoft website or other antivirus websites. Clean your computer with QuickHeal Anti Virus updated version and reinstall win XP.

All of the symptoms are of a spyware and malware attack. I was also having the same problem few days back. I am sure that you are also not able to open micrsoft website or other antivirus websites. Clean your computer with QuickHeal Anti Virus updated version and reinstall win XP.

No point to that at all. If the PC is formatted, it is clean already.

Plus there doesn't seem to be many good reviews on QuickHeal either. I wouldn't trust it.

My other computer had the problem.I formated C drive and Installed a fresh new Pirate win Xp Sp3.All my games were on D drive so NO data LOST. Thaks for your Help.

I wanna ask something.Is Windows 7 better than Vista or XP?I need a good OS.

Using pirated software is illegal.

My other computer had the problem.I formated C drive and Installed a fresh new Pirate win Xp Sp3.All my games were on D drive so NO data LOST. Thaks for your Help.

Thanks for your honesty. We can now no longer assist you. Come back when you have a legal version of Windows.

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