I would first like to appologize for not being able to complete everything in the read me first thread. I am on my phone right now so that makes this whole process much more difficult. I would also like to appologize for any bad spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes....I am normally bad at those and even worst than normal when on my phone. Now on to the problems.
My computer has windows xp. It worked fine for me a few days ago but my wife got on it and must have clicked on somthing she shouldn't have. Now the virus won't let me connect to the internet or open any virus/spyware protection/scaning software that I have tried. I went to a friends house earlier today and downloaded malwarebytes to my flash drive. I saved it under a diffrent name because I had read somthing about that on this site already. It installed fine but still won't open weither I try to open it from the desk top or in the c: drive. If anyone has any info on fixing this I would appriciate it.