Hello guys, so l installed this chatvibes app, now my searches are beng hijacked by this stupid plusnetwork.Checked in the search plugins folder for FF cant find it,Anyone know how to remove the irrirating thing

You've been pwnd. If it cannot be uninstalled, or your virus scanner cannot remove it, then you will have to either uninstall it manually (remove files and remove entries from registry), or re-image your system. Good luck!

I have a similar problem in that the plusnetwork tool bar has installed itself onto Firefox and now also internet explorer does not work. I am running Windows XP 32bit and have Mcafee antivirus and firewall etc. Please can anyone advise me what to do, regards

I have a similar problem in that the plusnetwork tool bar has installed itself onto Firefox and now also internet explorer does not work. I am running Windows XP 32bit and have Mcafee antivirus and firewall etc. Please can anyone advise me what to do, regards

The advise for you is the same as given to the original poster.

The only way we can offer assistance is for you to begin with steps in our Read Me First sticky. Post back here with Copy/Pastes of all logs from the scans and then we can better advise you on what steps to do next.

After you have followed those instructions then please begin your OWN thread. We do not offer assistance to more than one person per thread. So you must create your own thread and not hijack another persons thread to receive further assistance.

Many thanks

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