need help removing a virus called "windows secure kit 2012" on my laptop windows 7...
im not too good at this but am familiar getting around the PC and follow directions well :)....i have done this before in the past...i have microsoft security essentials. it found and removed some items (so it said)...but it is still there....

if anyone could help i would be very greatful

Is "Windows secure kit 2012" a program?
You could try to locate the containing-folder and use the uninstall.exe if there is one inside of it.

Otherwise, you could type: "uninstall a program" or "Programs and Features" on the searchbar on start-menu.
A window should appear. Then you select the program, if found on the list and click the "uninstall" button.

Hope that helps.

Can I also suggest combo fix it is an excellent program for deleting any virus software and register edits they may leave on the system it will also delete and oprhan drivers on your system and give it a general over haul.

Let me know if this works...

If not can I suggest PC decrapifier it is excellent and is basically ADD/REMOVE programs on steriods

Hi occirats,
my pc was affected by virus twice. I used avast free version and did boottime scan. I recovered all my data and cleared all virus from pc.


I would be careful with avast it is a nightmare to get off your computer if you ever want to move.

In 6 years I never had any problem. But ya I get this kind of response many times. :)

You need to go for a full version of Antivirus program and perform a deep scan. Don't evere go for the free version of Antivirus program as it harms your computer's overall throughput and they ask for updates very frequently and may invite viruses to download on your computer. Which may fully corrupt the hard drive of your computer or even may lead your computer beyond maintenance. So better go for a full version or paid version of Antivirus as it does not ask for the updates at all and maintains your computer's execution speed.

Windows secure kit 201

Windows Secure Kit 2012 is a browser hijacker that has been noticed even on some well known websites. It seems that it's a new way how scammers try to distribute Security Shield and other rogue anti-spywares that have been found to belong to FakeVimes or WinWebSec families of rogues. Undoubtedly, scammers seek to generate some money in this way.

Don't worry. Run Microsoft Security essentials. It will dis-infect this file. Microsoft security essential didn't delete that file which can be dis-infected and may not harm your files in future.

If you are not satisfied, download, install and update AVG latest version(even if you have microsoft security essentials installed). Run full computer scan and you are secured.

HOpe that'll work.


install vipre antivirus, it removes all foriegn threats ... try it

you might want to try this which is quite powerful, there is a free version available. For future reference, I suggest to set up your machine in a different way. Create a separate limited account, give it a password and stick to that rather than being admin on your own computer. If you want to install something windows will ask you for the admin password. That's a very effective way to protect your computer from infections. About removing any virus, spyware etc, I recommend to do that in safe mode (reboot and keep pressing the f8 key till you get to the safe mode screen)
let us know how that goes.

You can go for Microsoft Security Essentials or Avast! pro Antivirus. But remember don't ever install more than one antivirus program in your compputer.

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