I am using Windows XP-SP-2 w/Mozilla Firefox updated browser and my computer does not allow me to complete a download of any antivirus programs so have not been protected for over a year now. Am a caregiver for my 97 year old aunt every day so have not had much time to fix this nagging and worrisome problem. I have high-speed internet but it is very slow so I imagine my computer is quite infected. I am not very computer savvy but do sell on eBay when I get the time so have some knowledge. Thanks for help from anyone.

First step is to scan your computer for malware. I would suggest that you use another computer (maybe even at a library) and download MalwareBytes. It's free and does a great job cleaning malware.

Then when your computer is clean, upgrade XP to service pack 3 and the remaining patche.

Next install a new updated AV client. Many of them are now free.

i prefer to use unix operating systems as not use any antivirus applications there

Try restarting your computer and press and hold F8 when you see the first screen. Go to Safe mode with networking. Once you are logged on to your pc, double click the Firefox icon and download a good free antivirus program. You can find good ones at www.download.com or on other sites. I hope this works for you. Good luck.

turn off all firewall and windows defender then u ll be able to download it.

You can uninstall your browser and install it again , then try to use antivirus like Comodo

Install any other browser like Google chrome and then try downloading the Antivirus program. But we suggest you not to use any free version of Antivirus program as it harms your computer's performance and execution speed and it needs to be updated time to time and also invites viruses to download into your computer which infects your computer and your computer and may go beyond maintenance. So, its better to install a paid verison of Antivirus program or in future if you face any problem regarding viruses better call Microsoft technicians to fix it.

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