I do not know why this is happening! This is a new lap top, I use firefox, and the IE keeps opening a new window. I use windows 7. SCREECH!

what's the content of the new window? Is it spam or ad, etc.?
this might be because IE is set as your default browser and an application is trying to connect to the internet

If it's a regular application you can tweak the settings for connecting to the internet

If your unsure and if it looks like a virus read and follow all of the intructions set here http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/viruses-spyware-and-other-nasties/threads/134865/read-me-before-posting-a-request-for-assistance
though a simple malwarebyte scan and fix from one of the steps should automatically solve this for yahif it is a virus

Yes. This could be because IE has set as default web browser on your laptop. Go to setting of another browser you want to set as default and change it to default.

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